Melbortne Cup Day is Australia's most famous Tuesday.
It's a day when the nation stops whatever it's doing to listen to the race call, or watch the race on TV, and even those who don't usually bet, try their luck.
At 3.00pm AEST, on the first Tuesday in Novemver, Australians everywhere stop for one of the world's most famous horse races - the Melbourne Cup.
In Melbourne, Melbourne Cup Day is not only a public holiday.
It is the peak of the Spring Racing Carnival, When champagne and canapes, huge hats and race track fashions sometimes overshadow the business of the day - horse racing.
American writer Mark Twain visited the Melbourne Cup in 1895 and said of the cup, " Nowhere in the world have I encountered a festival of people that has such a magnificent appeal to the whole nation. The Cup astonishes me."
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