advanced ݿ ö ùֿ 並 غԿ!
庥 ö ǵ... ̵ ̴ ũͰƿ..
high intermediate Űϰ..
ݺǴ° ƿ. 庥 ڼ ϱ⺸ٴ ϴ½? ̱.. ƹ µ Ѱ谡ϱ ?
öڸ modals()!
ٵ ϸ ~ ˾. ̷ ݾƿ ׳ can, will, should,would..? ˸ ȴٰ ߾ ٵ ...Ӹ
θ ؼ;;
ϴ̹ Ϳ 並 غԿ!
may – polite request ,ex) May I borrow your pen?
Permission , ex) you may leave the room.
Less than 50% certainty, ex) he may be at the library.
*request ǥ϶ may+I or we ־!
Might – less than 50% certainty,
polite request, ex) might I borrow your pen?
Should- advisability, ex) I should study today.
90% certainty, ex) she should do well on the test.
Had better- advisability with threat of bad result, ex) you had better be on time, or we will leave without you.
Be supposed to- expectation, ex) class is supposed to begin at 10.
unfulfilled expectation, ex) class was supposed to begin at 10, but it didn't begin until 10:15
must- strong necessity, ex) I must go to class today.
Prohibition, ex) you must not open that door.
Must, ex) mary isn't in class. She must be sick. -past: must have p.p
have to – necessity, ex) I have to go to class today.
Lack of necessity, ex) I don't have to go to class today.
Have got to- necessity, ex) I have got to go to clss today.
Will- 100% certainty, ex) he will be here at 6
willingness, ex) I' ll get it.
Polite request, ex) will you pass the salt?
ǹ ̿ܿ ̴ ǹ̰ . Ҷ µ ȮԿ ̵ ߾˾Ƶ־ؿ~ Ǯ