I join to this camp because my older brother joined here before. At that time, I want to go too, I want to go to anot
her country, and I want to study English more. So I came here with my friend, because if I go alone, Im afraid or
feel strange, and this is my first time to travel alone. Before the camp starts, my feeling was very excited and go
So, I woke up early and my mind is in good condition. But when I arrived here in the Philippines, my feeling was
not good and everything is very strange. So I felt little bit scary. I missed my Mom, and I thought time is very slo
w, but now it is ok and its fun.
Time is very fast. So, I felt that I am improving in this camp, because now Im friendly to my teachers and my ro
ommates. Now, Im very happy but sometimes my feeling is very sad because I want to see my Mom. Sometim
es I cried but teachers and roommates comfort me, for example:
When I played with my friends or with my teachers. So, when I played them, I forgot my worries and the importa
nt reason is that I can send letter to my parents. So, I always enjoy my life.
I like Saturdays and Sundays because I have many time to take a rest. So, I think I will join the camp again but I
dont know yet if my Mom will let me join again. I want to have more good and interesting life experiences. I think
the last day here in CIA Camp is very interesting day.
First time, I can speak English very well also I can speak to another Filipino people. So I want to improve my skil
ls in English in this camp. Maybe this camp is very useful for me because my parents said if you dont know ho
w to speak English, we cant talk another person.
Nowadays, in Korea, we also had an English exam. So, my Mom said you should study English. So, I think Eng
lish is very useful and I should have to study English. So, I will join CIA camp again.