Sir Cyrus told us to join the camp everyday because they prepared lot of things. Im expecting it already. In weekend, we always go to malls and buy some foods for our deserts.
Best experience in CIA camp? I went to Crocolandia and saw Tubods Filipino staff. I saw sir Cyrus too. I learne
d to improve my English ability. But, I dont know that my English improved because English is the only way to t
alk with foreigners. And, in Korea we took test in English and we have to pass so that we can go to college. I want to come here again one more time because it helps me to improve my English ability. And, I will conquer Engl
And, I can talk naturally with teachers and they will say Im very good at English and smart as well.
CIA teachers, there is Teacher Betchie. She is very attractive and kind. There is Teacher Retchel. She always br
ings me some snacks. She is very funny. They are my man-to-man teachers. Now I will introduce my group cl
ass teachers. There is Teachers DErlyn. She is always funny and teaches grammar. There is Teacher Nina. Sh
e is very kind and she always gave me logical problems. I always debated on her. Other classes are sports cla
ss and voca class.
In sports class, I swim and watch movies. I also do different sports. In voca class I study vocabulary. It is very e
asy because Teacher Cane explains to me a lot about vocabulary words. In the room there are Christine, Jay, Si
gny, Jiyeon, Kylie, Sophia, Jenney and Nichole. Christine is 10 years old. Jay, Jenney, Signy, Jiyeon and Nichol
e Are 13 years old. Kylie and Sophia are 12 years old. Most of them are in 6th grade.
I made friend with Christine. She has the same age with me. She thinks same things like me too.
Now, Im very familiar with my roommates. I want to be more familiar with them.