ķı⸦ ڴ. 2 Ⱦߴ. ̴,. ° ſ ùٸ ̴. 1°ִ ſ õõ ð̰,. ó ѱ ư;. ѱ ưⰡ ſ ȴ. ģ , Բ ʹ.
ѱ Ѵ., ſ ., ð ̷ . ſ .
߾ ִ. ϳ ȣ̴. 츮 ȣ ĵ. ó 踦 Ÿ Ӹ ʹ;;; 3 並ߴ;; ʹ ., ¶ ٸ ߾ 츮 ϴ . װ 츮 2ߴµ DZ, DZ ϱ ߴ. ¶ ſ ־.߿ 츮 ̰. Ҵ. ״ ߾ īƮ̽̾. Һ ڵ ̽̿ ־. Ҵ, 츮 īƮ ߴ . īƮ ٴ , ſ վ. ڽ վ,. ٸ ߾߿ ϳ Ȩ̴. Ȩ̴ վ, ó Ȩ Nina̴, sam , Nina ſ ģٰ־, ߴ. 2° Ȩ̴ Yong ߴ. Yong ΰͰ. 쩃 steven,steve kevin, tom, romeo, jason,David yong Ȩ̿, 쩃 ſմ ̾, ֳϸ 츮 ٺťԾ 츮 Ayalla . Ayalla û ū θ̴., ſ콽. ѱԵ ʰ ̴. ʰ ߴ. մ ־., οԴ, 츮 Ϻ ߴ .־. · 츮 3:30п ߴ. Ģ Ա ٸ Դ ̾. ᱹ Ծ. ſ ̴. ° ͼ Ƿ Ȯϰ Ȱ . ó . Ư . ſ մ. Ȯϰ Ƿ Ȯϰ ö ̴. 쩃 ķͼ ߾ ؾ ,.
I 'M writing after cia camp
I'm dislike but roughly after two week.becaus not reason just very hard. but i'm come here very do a right choice. the first week is very slow
pass so first week is i want to quickly come back korea but nowadays straight for wardly nowadays really i don't want to come back korea i want my friends stay together but now in a moment we comback korea.so i'm sad.straight for wardly like this do not know fast. but nowadays is very fast A conclusion I have many recollections so many one is we so to hopping toure wave is very heartless but i'm first time ride ship so very many sikness and roughly three time vomiting.so i'm very be laborious at any ratet diffrent recollection is physical traming plac and we basketball and dodge ball but i'm dodge ball at any rate very funny game Finally after all we are team win so l'm happy and next is kart zone racing ordinary times i'll like car and racing.and i'm very cocern. so i'm more happy at any rate we working kart but thinking than better fast. so very funny and a coure is so good and we go to the home stay.Homestay is very funny. i'm first time homestay go to the Nina.Me and sam with go to the home stay but Nina teacher famillys very kindness and comfortable. and i'm second homestay teacher is Yong. yong teacher is reach.at any rate. Me and steven and steve kevin, tom, romeo, jason,David is Yong teacher house member.so we are veryfunny day. becasue we dinner is barbecue.and we go to the Ayalla. Ayalla is very big shopping mall.but very sad a pint that is korea teacher visiting is so late so we are so late go to the shopping.and yet we are so funny shoppingand comeback yong house. we are play basketball and poket ball that so funny. at any rate we are game start 3:30AM so we