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I went to the Philippines for the second time.
ʸɿ ι° ðԴϴ.
First was in Intosan "CIA Camp", second is here in SM "CIA Camp".
ù° CIA , ι° .. SM ķ۽ Դϴ.
Here in SM camp we have to study very hard, and its a big help for me regarding my English skills.
츮 θ ݴϴ, Ƿ¿ ū ־ϴ.
I developed my English efficiency so well in my former camp.
Ƿ ־ϴ..
I learned to speak English too in this camp and it's better here than before.
⼭ ־ ϴ.
SM winter camp is very nice to study, I learned English quickly.
SM ܿķ θ û Ű, ӵ װ ϴ.
Here in SM camp there's an outdoor and indoor activity.
SM ķ dz ƼƼ ߿ ƼƼ ֽϴ.
I had a dialogue with a foreigner so my English efficiency is increasing now.
⼭ ܱε ȭϸ鼭, Ƿ ÷Ƚϴ.
Level tests helped me measured my English efficiency.
Ʈ Ƿ ־ϴ.
During sports class, playing touch ball helped me to attain good health.
, ߴ DZ ǰ ־ϴ.
While I stay here, my English efficiency is improving and my pronunciation is going nice too now. I've been listening Ƿ° ־ϴ and observing the movement of the mouth and how it opened to pronounce a correct English.
Ƿ ȹٷ ־ϴ.
One of the activities that I loved in CIA is home stay where it helped me to develop my English efficiency, too.
Ȩ̵ Ƿ ߴ ־ϴ.
Now, for being here for few weeks I had a conversation with many people and then my English efficiency has improved a lot. ܱΰ ȭؼ Ƿ ½ϴ.
I like CIA and when I go back home, I'll be missing everything in here.
CIA ϰ ư Դϴ.
We had a school visit.
츮 ʸ б 湮 Դϴ.
I studied English very well and I was careful with my actions.
ε ϰ ൿ Դϴ.
Hopping tour and snorkeling is really fun and car racing is very nice too. It's looks thrilling.
ȣ ߴ ī̽ Ұ, ־ϴ.
Studying very well is very important.
θ ϴ ߿մϴ.
Sports class and tests are very fun.
⼭ ߴ Ʈ ð վϴ.
Activities also helped my English efficiency be developed.
ƼƼ ɷ ø Ƿ ½ϴ.
Here in CIA, we do a lot of funny activities but there's also learning.
CIA, 츮 ƼƼ վ װ͵ Դϴ.
This is what we called "Learning by doing ".
츮 " ִ" ־ϴ.
My favorite English camp is here only, I never been sick, always in good health and my studies goes very nice.
ϴ ķ ̰ ̰, ѹ ʾҰ, ǰ ε Ͽϴ.
Food is okay, too.
ĵ ҽϴ.
I think my family is sad because they might miss me so I write them a letter and they answered my letter, too.
ϴ. ֳϸ 㸶 ϰ, 鿡 ߽ϴ.
I'm so glad and very happy.
ڰ ູմϴ.
I had a little dissatisfaction in talking about restroom.
ȭǿ Ҹ ϳ ֽϴ.
Sometimes, the water is too hot and sometimes it's too cold but sometimes its v