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My Thoughts after CIA Camp
When the CIA camp ends, I think a lot about the experiences.
At first, I was really suprised about the camp..
It's my first time to be here in CIA camp.
I know that "ClA camp is very hard"
Anyways, I live in a good place, eating a good food, and made good memories.
What I have known about CIA camp is all very good.
The people was very friendly. My friends and I have lots of time to play.
I know my level ability, and my group decided to have a group study.
I also learned how to swim. It was very good .
Sometimes, I went shopping and I bought lots of food.
I also went on a homestay and because of that, I learned a lot about the Filipino culture.
I can say that Philippines is a good place.
l learned Philippine dance ..
I learned "Let's painting"
And I experienced riding on a horse.
And l also went fishing.
But the best of it all was shopping.~
l larned how to speak english .. I ate lots of food.~
and the Korean teachers gave me lots of money so l liked it.
I learned English and at the same time l learned a lot about Filipino culture. This is such a very good experience .~