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Hello!I write my camp experiences. I went to the camp. I'm very tired.Because first only children
camp.So that time I'm very tired.And I went to the Philippines. I'm very surprised
because Philippines is hot. Here my favorite things are four.First is TEST because it is
easy. And after we finish the TEST we have many free time.Second swimming is very funny because we swim.
I"ll be a good swimmer.i went to the Phillipines and I like swimming because Phillipines is
hot an dwe swim everyday. Third class is man to man. Man to man class is funny and easy
because man to man class book is not grammar so I like man to man class. Fourth class is
Native class. Native class doesnt use class book because it is just a spoken English. I
like to speak English well. Before I dont like to speak English.I don"t like the first group class.
Group class is little hard and is not funny. Second is meal time so I eat some breakfast, lunch and
dinner so my body is not heavy.When I go home to Korea I"ll eat many food. My favorite activity is three.
First is SM tour because when we go to SM mall we play funny games and funny shopping. Everytime we
go to SM mall I eart delicious food. Second is hopping tour. There we eat sea foods. That time sea foods
are very delicious. Third is the car racing. Car racing was very exciting because we ride the car very
fast. I went to the Philippines and I have funny and unhappy experiences. I think this camp is nice
because when I go to the Korea I study English some well.bye bye