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When I went to the Philippines, I decided to study hard because the camp was expensive and CIA camp system was so good so I expected a lot of things.
What I heard about CIA camp was that first, I can learn a lot. I can also learn math like those good university students. My math grade is so good so I expect a lot when I go back to Korea. Second, CIA has good teachers.
They will correct me that's why Filipino teachers are so good. They always laugh with me and I can tell them my problems. Korean staffs are also good because they always protect us. They always maintain the safety and when we made a mistake, they get angry to us. But we know our mistake so we understand them and the teachers. Third, CIA camp has so many activities. We had car racing, school visit, home stay and a lot more. I like the school visit and home stay the most because in school visit I met so many Filipino friends and we had lots of memories.
During home stay, we also met lots of Filipino people who is so good and we always speak in English. When we speak English, we can practice our English skills. We went on a home stay with our friends, we talked with each other so our friendship became stronger!
I think CIA camp is like a recollection because I have so many memories like having so many friends. I know my parents will also love my friends. I miss them and so as the Korean staff that left here and my Korean friends.
Actually, i will be leaving Philippines. Thank you to all the teachers and staffs. I will surely miss them. Maybe I will always wait for the sound of the siren(?) that we used to have every morning. This is a CIA syndrome. I don't need to forget all. Thank you so much