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I came to Philippines
I came here in ther Phiippines 5weeks ago. First I don't know about Philippines.
My mom asked my opinion 'Do you want to go to Philippines to study English?'
First, I very confused. Because, 6weeks are very long days.
and I have never been to another country alone.
So, I was very worried. First, I'll go with my younger sister.
But, she didn't want to go to another country.
and Finally, I decided to go to Philippines alone.
Before I went to Philippines, I'm prepared to be there.
I bought clothes and packed a bag.
My bag was very big and huge.
and I departed to go to Kim Hae Airport with my father and younger sister.
and I rode airplane to go to In Chean Airport.
and I met CIA teachers.I didn't know teachers.
We had time with my family.I was so sad and exciting.
but I can't cry.Because If I'll cry, My family'll sad.
and We departed to go to Philippines. It spent 5 hours .
Finally, We arrived here , It was too hot.
and We moved CIA buildings.and I met Katy in the bus.
First, I saw her, I thought that she is very kind.
and We're closed quickly.Also, we are in the same room.
We ate banana and juice.I never forgot their's taste.
and We talked with Philippines's teachers.
At that time maybe I was very nervous.
My room was very big and clean.
At that time, I slept very quickly.
Because, i was so t