BE Ŭ ϴ Ѵ. role play Ȱ..
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(1a) You have an appointment tomorrow with your dentist, Dr. White, at 8 am. Call his office and try to reschedule your appointment to next week. You are free next week on Thursday and Friday in the early morning.
(1b) You are a receptionist at a denist's office. Dr. White, the dentist, is busy all this week. Next week she is free on Wednesday afternoon (3-5pm) and next Friday morning (8-10am). You will soon receive a phone call.
<note> Your office charges $40 for canceling appointments without 24 hours notice.
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(2a) You need a teacher to teach business English in your compnay. You have decided to phone a man named "Ken", whose name you found in an ad in a local newspaper.
Call Ken. Ask about : his experience, pricing, avaliablity, teaching style,etc. Try to decide if you want to hire him.
(2b) Your name is Ken. You have decided to become an English teacher. You have no experience but English is your natice language. You need students. Your phone will ring soon.
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(3a) you are a young adult, Tomorrow, you will have friends over for a turkey dinner. you have bought a 20-pound turkey, but you have no idea how to prepare it. Call your parents for help.
(3b) It's holiday time. One of your wonderful children will call you soon for help.
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I love mom. I will bring you my turkey. because I need you help for making some food. Pleas make delicious food. ̷.