ʸ п 迬 Ŀ´Ƽ
ʸ п ۽ƮŬ ڴ 26 Ͽ츦 Ȯ 帳ϴ.
[,EC] 10.
  • ̸ :
  • ۼ : 2015-03-18
  • ȸ : 9808
  • õ : 0
̹ some any 뿡 .
ѱ ڿ some any ϴ ڿ ° ܿ
ǹ ܾ ߱ ׻ ΰ߿ ƹų ߾.
׷ ܾ ǹ̴ ٸ Ǿ Ѵ.
some any ȴ. any some Ǵµ,
̳ Ѵ. Is there any milk in the fridge?, Do you need any help?
츮 any ؾѴ. I don't want any coffee Ѵ.
׷ 츮 û ɼ some ؾ Ѵ.
Would you like some coffee? û ϰų
Can I have come soup, please? ɼ ϰ,
There are some cookies in the kitchen Ѵ.
̿ anybody, anything (I didn't see anybody) ,
somebody, something (i saw somebody) Ѵ.
any û̳ ɼ some Ѵٴ ſ ȥ
. ϰ ؼ κ
(a4esl.org/q/h/0001/jb-someany.html) ˷ Ʈ  some any ִ.
׷ ̹ ֿ Ʈ some any ̴.
(2019-07-11 08:4)
ູ ູñƿñƿñƿñư ƿetetñƿñƿñƿñƿñƿñƿñewreñƿñyyxfgbddñƿñgrsddgrsetetetetetetetetetewreyyxfgϰ ƿreyyxfgbddgrñƿñsetetewreyyxfgbddgrs


<a href="https://m.naver.com/" target="_blank"title="̹">̹</a>
<a href="https://www.google.com/" target="_blank"title=""></a>
<a href="https://www.daum.net/" target="_blank"title=""></a>

<a href="https://m.blog.naver.com/sstt3324a/221498047001" target="_blank"title=" "> </a>
<a href="https://m.blog.naver.com/ansantigers/221400723052" target="_blank"title="Ǵ ">Ǵ </a>
<a href="https://m.blog.naver.com/q931c4921/221419173236" target="_blank"title="ıġ">ıġ</a>

<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LG">LG</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LGⷻŻ">LGⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title=""></a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ûⷻŻ">ûⷻŻ </a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LGǻɾ">LGǻɾ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ȸڷŻ">ȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ǻɾ">ǻɾ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ûⷻŻ">ûⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ȸڷŻ">ȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LGⷻŻ">LGⷻŻ </a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LGûⷻŻ">LGûⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="LGȸڷŻ">LGȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://www.lgeventmall.net/" target="_blank"title="ŸϷŻ">ŸϷŻ</a>

<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LG">LG</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LGⷻŻ">LGⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title=""></a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ûⷻŻ">ûⷻŻ </a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LGǻɾ">LGǻɾ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ȸڷŻ">ȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ǻɾ">ǻɾ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ûⷻŻ">ûⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ȸڷŻ">ȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LGⷻŻ">LGⷻŻ </a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LGûⷻŻ">LGûⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="LGȸڷŻ">LGȸڷŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ⷻŻ">ⷻŻ</a>
<a href="https://lgfreeshop.co.kr/" target="_blank"title="ŸϷŻ">ŸϷŻ</a>
λ (2019-08-06 19:1)
! ʹ ٻ
ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.
ȿ ̿ܿ , ٸ, , 뿡 ֽϴ. ⿡ ߻ϸ ̳ Ǻο(¿) ִ ȯ, Ǵ Ǻΰ ϴ. бۿ  Ǹ 𳶿 Ӱ Ƣ⵵ ϸ ܰų ڱ ϰ ħ Ű⵵ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ߻

ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.
ȿ ̿ܿ , ٸ, , 뿡 ֽϴ. ⿡ ߻ϸ ̳ Ǻο(¿) ִ ȯ, Ǵ Ǻΰ ϴ. бۿ  Ǹ 𳶿 Ӱ Ƣ⵵ ϸ ܰų ڱ ϰ ħ Ű⵵ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ġ

1. ˶ ʸ
4. ʿ

,Ŀ ջ Ǻο ̳ 濬  ܻ Ű 繮̳ ü ļ ֽϴ. ̵ Ǻ Ұ  Ƿ ʰ ˴ϴ. ļ Ǵ ſ پϸ 츮 Թ̶ Ҹ 90% ̻ ϰ ֽϴ. , Ǫ, ŵ ϰ ֽϴ.
[ó] 彺 ȫ ̷̵/ư/|ۼ toxnfill77
λ (2019-08-07 11:5)
! ʹ ٻ
ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ߻

ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.
ȿ ̿ܿ , ٸ, , 뿡 ֽϴ. ⿡ ߻ϸ ̳ Ǻο(¿) ִ ȯ, Ǵ Ǻΰ ϴ. бۿ  Ǹ 𳶿 Ӱ Ƣ⵵ ϸ ܰų ڱ ϰ ħ Ű⵵ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ġ

1. ˶ ʸ
4. ʿ

,Ŀ ջ Ǻο ̳ 濬  ܻ Ű 繮̳ ü ļ ֽϴ. ̵ Ǻ Ұ  Ƿ ʰ ˴ϴ. ļ Ǵ ſ پϸ 츮 Թ̶ Ҹ 90% ̻ ϰ ֽϴ. , Ǫ, ŵ ϰ ֽϴ.
[ó] 彺 ȫ ̷̵/ư/|ۼ toxnfill77
λ (2019-08-07 12:1)
! ʹ ٻ
ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ߻

ȭ(߻)̶, , ٸ κп ϰ ھƳ ־ ߲ó ̴ Ǻη бۿ ־ ϰ ̴ ̸, ִ Ÿ ˴ϴ. пδ "ȭ"̶ մϴ.
ȿ ̿ܿ , ٸ, , 뿡 ֽϴ. ⿡ ߻ϸ ̳ Ǻο(¿) ִ ȯ, Ǵ Ǻΰ ϴ. бۿ  Ǹ 𳶿 Ӱ Ƣ⵵ ϸ ܰų ڱ ϰ ħ Ű⵵ մϴ.

ȭ(߻) ġ

1. ˶ ʸ
4. ʿ

,Ŀ ջ Ǻο ̳ 濬  ܻ Ű 繮̳ ü ļ ֽϴ. ̵ Ǻ Ұ  Ƿ ʰ ˴ϴ. ļ Ǵ ſ پϸ 츮 Թ̶ Ҹ 90% ̻ ϰ ֽϴ. , Ǫ, ŵ ϰ ֽϴ.
[ó] 彺 ȫ ̷̵/ư/|ۼ toxnfill77
̳ (2019-08-07 13:5)
ָ ڽĵ
ٳԴϴ. Ϳ 5 ھ̿ 7 ̰
νƮĸ Ծ
̸ ƴϿµ ħ ȸ絿Ḧ ˰
ǰ Ĵ õ ޾Ƽ
̰ Ǿϴ.


׷ ڰ 15
ɷȾ. Ȯ ġ
ܰ ٸ ǹ 12
Ǿ־ ãƿⰡ ߾
1뿡 ϰ Ǿµ


ϰ ϰ η ڸ
üմ, ó 1
ɽĻ縦 ϰ ־
ȳ ޾Ƽ ڸ̺


̺ 4 ɾƵ
󱸿. ̸ ÿ,
, ̸

޴ ֽ п
2μƮ 25,000,
̵ ϴ Ұ 15,000
ΰ ޴ ֹߴϴ.


̵ ì ޽
ϰ ֽô
˹ٺв ع
ϳѾ ʴ ̴ּϴ.

ٽ ̾ ޴
, Ұ ִ
ѻ ϼ
ó (2019-08-09 08:0)
ó ƴ϶ ϸ ƴ ɰŶ ߴ ū Ŷ ٵ ׷ κп ־ ƴ϶ Żġ ׳ Ѿ 찡 ߾. ó ߰ ϴ Ż ʱ ̱ ٶ ߿ ϴٰ ݻ ŵΰ ƴ϶ ϱ ŵ.
Żġ ƴ϶ ϱ⿣
ġų ٺ ٶ ϴ ͵, Ұ  ìܸԴ ϵ ϱ Ϸ Ϸ 鼭 Ż 氢 ̰ ũ ġ ó Ͽ ܸ ⺻ ִ е ߿ ׷Ա ܸ Ű , ſ 鼭 ؼ ̵̴ , ȭ 麸 ó ̴ ο ؼ ڼ мϴ 幰ſ.
ܸ κп 麸 ɷ Ǵϱ ϴ е鵵 ڽŰ ũ ǰ, ڴ Ӹ ̶ ̾߱⵵ Ͻñ ׷ κп Ȧϱ ϸ ٷ ܰ ⿡ Ƽ ̾. Ż ǰ Ǵ ñ⸦ Ѵٸ ʹ ̸ ʳ ϰ , Ϸ簡 ٸ Ӹī Ӹ ѹ Ӹī ʹ ٸ ̻ ̷ Ȯ ޾ƺ õȾ.
ڽ ܸ ٴ Ͽ θ 쿡 ٸ ̳ ޴ ̶ ϰ θ װͿ ̻ ׽ ൿϱ⵵ ߾. Ż ؼ ް ִٰ ϴ ̿ܿ ٸ ġ ġḦ ϸ鼭 ϷϷ縦 ٸ Ȯϰ ˰  óؾ ϴ ƽô е . Ḧ Ӹī ų ִٴ ̾߱⸦ ų Ǹ شٸ ޶ ִٴ ̾߱⸦  ְų, غ 赵 ð ̹ κ Ż Ǿٸ κп ؼ ƽ ȿ ϼſ.
λ (2019-08-09 11:2)
ȸ ִ ԰ڸ ׷Ե ˻ ˻ ƾµ
 ƴϾ ð ϳ ־
ϸ鼭 ִ ĵ̳ Ÿ پϰ Դϴ~
˸ ǥ 鵵
̰ ػ깰 ְ ѻ Ǫݾƿ
Ư Ļ ϴ ô̳ ϴ
̱ Ϻ ذ ڸ ִ ع丮 !
ε 湮 õ ̶淡
̳ ٳԾ
湮 Ĵ̿
û ġϰ ִ ̶
湮ϴ Ĵ̶ մϴ
ͳ ˻ Ȯ!
в  ˰ ε
ݴ뵵 ٸ 鿡 ؼ ϰ
̽ϰ ع ִٴ
ʰ ϰ ƾ
ġ ΰ ̳ ͹̳ο
Ÿ 뷫 2~3km 5 ɸ Ÿ
ȸ뱳 ȸθ 500m
׸ θ 1.5km 1 Ĵ Ѵ
߱ Ǿ ־ ̿ ʴ´ٸ ͹̳ο Ŀ
ٷ տ 52̳ 64 Ÿ 20 ޷ ٷ Ҽ ־.
ʼڽ ϳ
׷ 뱸ϰ dz汸 ϴٰ ! 湮ϴ е鵵 ϳ մϴ
뷫 10 ̳ 湮 ִ ̴
ټ ƿ
(2019-08-10 16:5)
ƴٴϸ鼭 ָ޴ ִ ôµ ...
κ ʴµ, ̰ ֽϴ.
ƴ ̳׿. ݾ ٸ ϴ ... Ը ¾ҽϴ.
ħ? ̶ ؾϳ? Į 丮 ε, Ϲ Ծ ̴󱸿. Ƴ ϴ ޴׿^^
ո ó ... λ Ҵ ޴ "" Դϴ. ߷θ ؼ ɴµ~ ¥ ʰ ... Կ ִ ̰ŵ. ϰ ... Ļ մԵ ~ 򰡰 ̳׿.
ո̿ ޴ ġ Դϴ^^ , ġ , ȸ ~~ ֵ 3 Ǵ ... ׸ ׷ ϴ.
̻ ȵǼ ̰ ٴϸ鼭 ǰ Ⱦҳ׿.
(2019-08-10 19:5)
ͳݿ ̶ ҰǾ ִ 鵵 ýϴ.
ִ ְ, Ÿ ׷ 鵵 ҳ׿.
Ұ 帱 "ո" ̶ ġ Դϴ.
ó ֽó ִٰ Ȯؼ ߳׿. ֽó ϴ.
ո ù° մϴ. ϴ Ͱ ٸϴ.
ƴٴϸ鼭 ָ޴ ִ ôµ ...
κ ʴµ, ̰ ֽϴ.
־׿. ƴ ̳׿.
ݾ ٸ ϴ ... Ը ¾ҽϴ.
ħ? ̶ ؾϳ? Į 丮 ε, Ϲ Ծ ̴󱸿. Ƴ ϴ ޴׿^^
ո ó ... λ Ҵ ޴ "" Դϴ.
߷θ ؼ ɴµ~ ¥ ʰ ... Կ ִ ̰ŵ.
ϰ ... Ļ մԵ ~ 򰡰 ̳׿.
ո̿ ޴ ġ Դϴ^^ , ġ , ȸ ~~ ֵ 3 Ǵ ... ׸ ׷ ϴ.
dz (2019-08-15 01:0)
ִ ͵ ԰Դµ, 10 ø ֱ ҹ Ħø
ǻ 췯 ⿡ ̴ Ŀǰ £ ׿.
Ͻô е鵵 ? Ⱥ Ǻе ּ :)
Ⱥϸ õ µ~ Ⱥõ 츮 ڿ õ̿.
3 Ž ö ׶ õ ´ٰ ϴ űϴ.
ܿ£ õ ﶧ õ  ÿѰ ƿ.
̺ ̵ е ɴ밡 ̵ ãƿô,
ũٴ Ӱ ִ ̿.
õ  Ǻε ǵǵ, Ƿε Ǯ Ҵϴ
Ƹ޸ī븦 ųŭ ĿǴ .
׸ŭ Ŀǿ ɵ Ƽ Ŀǹڹ ʹ.
ڹ ī䰡 Ǵ ε, ϴ ڹ .
Ŀ νð ְ, ڵ帳ü赵 غ ־.
1880뿡 ٴ ĿDZ׶δ λµ,
ĿǴ 鿡 ޾ұ ׿.
(2019-08-25 14:0)
ǫǫ ǰ Ϸ Ű?
(2019-08-29 11:0)
ǫǫ ǰ Ϸ Ű?
ҷ (2019-08-31 05:3)
ǰ Ϸ Ű?
ҷ (2019-08-31 07:5)
ǰ Ϸ Ű?
dz (2019-09-03 09:2)
ִ ޷״ٰ
dz (2019-09-03 09:2)
ִ ޷״ٰ
dz (2019-09-04 23:2)
ִ ޷״ٰ
similar (2019-09-10 14:0)
It was a visual similar to Nurungji that I could easily see anywhere
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest sales.
It was soft and it was crazy to eat each other
There was a lot of moist and juicy juice
isual similar (2019-09-12 14:1)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 14:4)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 15:4)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 16:1)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 16:5)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 17:3)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 18:0)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 18:2)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 19:0)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
isual similar (2019-09-12 19:3)
There's no style for you if you're so careful with what you see.
It was so good to see it, and mouth water began to spin
I think you're doing business with honest
gettnder (2019-09-18 17:1)
could easily see anywhere
There's no
ryyder (2019-09-18 18:1)
It doesn't take much of the sheep from the
ryryyer (2019-09-20 10:5)
It doesn't restaurants take much of the sheep from the
ryryyer (2019-09-20 11:1)
It doesn't restaurants take much of the sheep from the
dz (2019-09-20 12:2)
3 Ŵ ѹ ε
̹ ׷ ̿콣 Կþ ĵ Ȱ ѹ Կôµ ֵ ʹ Ծ༭ ̹ ٸ þ ѹ ϳ , ٴϱ⿡ ~ 1ȸ ޿ ŭ ִϱ Դٰ  ƿ !!
׷ ̽ ׷ ǰ а, , ,  ʾ ϴ Ư ǰ ̿ !!!
̰ ߰ , ӻ, , ġ 4 ̿ ! ϳ ̵鿡 ̸ ߴµ ʹ Դ󱸿 ׷ ̵ 鼭 ޶ ~ ׷ ־ Ŵ ..?
׷ ʹ Ϳ ƿ Ըٽô ǥ ʹ Ϳ 츮 ̵鵵 ǥ شٸ ʹ ϵ !!
Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
ƽð Ŀġ ӿ ƿ !! 94% ʴ 丣þ !!־ ε !!
(2019-09-20 13:1)
̰ ߰ , ӻ, , ġ 4 ̿ ! ϳ ̵鿡 ̸ ߴµ ʹ Դ󱸿 ׷ ̵ 鼭 ޶ ~ ׷ ־ Ŵ ..?
׷ ʹ Ϳ ƿ Ըٽô ǥ ʹ Ϳ 츮 ̵鵵 ǥ شٸ ʹ ϵ !!
Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
qeeqwe (2019-09-20 13:5)
׷ ʹ Ϳ ƿ Ըٽô ǥ ʹ Ϳ 츮 ̵鵵 ǥ شٸ ʹ ϵ !!
Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
qeyuyuwe (2019-09-20 14:2)
Ըٽô ǥ ʹ Ϳ 츮 ̵鵵 ǥ شٸ ʹ ϵ !!
Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
qtuiityiyuwe (2019-09-20 14:5)
area, but it's more famous in the south.
̵鵵 ǥ شٸ ʹ ϵ !!
Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
q677yuwe (2019-09-20 15:4)
It's so delicious, I'm going to order it by courier
131, Bucheon-ro, Hogye-myeon, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
q6wrwrwe (2019-09-20 17:2)
53, Jeonju Kwangsa 2-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do
9 kinds of side dishes came out.

Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
magicwe (2019-09-20 17:5)
967-1251, Osan-dong, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
A dish full of fish stew was served in front of you


Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
enjoyewe (2019-09-20 18:2)
A wide variety of recipes made with chicken
Above all, my parents enjoyed it so much that I felt good


Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
amounwe (2019-09-20 18:5)
Adults and children do not have socks
After eating a bite, I put so much amount that the spicy texture


Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
accordinge (2019-09-20 19:3)
After rubbing, take a bite and add it according to your personal taste.
After you heat it up,


Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
accordinge (2019-09-20 21:0)
After rubbing, take a bite and add it according to your personal taste.
After you heat it up,


Ѱ ٷ ġ !! ġ ʹ ƿ ̶ ~ ǰ Ÿa Ÿ츰 ٷ 햠Ǿ ǰ ǿ !!
sensslar (2019-09-22 13:3)
Even if I didn't poke it, I could see a sense of elasticity while tangle
Even if it falls, there are many new ones
sensslar (2019-09-22 14:5)
Even if I didn't poke it, I could see a sense of elasticity while tangle
Even if it falls, there are many new ones
sensslar (2019-09-22 15:4)
Even if I didn't poke it, I could see a sense of elasticity while tangle
Even if it falls, there are many new ones
guaranteed (2019-09-27 14:3)
Koreans do side dishes like this
Lastly, I ate the roasted Hwangtae
Lastly, I realized that it was guaranteed
intensed (2019-09-28 10:5)
Lastly, the timing of eating glutinous rice
Let's introduce a restaurant like this!
Like the clean and light taste, the rich flavor is more intense
broadcasting (2019-09-28 12:2)
s a lot of experience in major broadcasting companies.
Looking at the pictures again, I want to go again
Mainly focused on things that are unaffected by all ages
yourselfng (2019-10-19 05:0)
Gyeonggi-do Gwangju Restaurants Delicious! The taste of pounding your knees! You must go
The phrase Seomjin River Seonghwa was enough to attract many guests.
I think you made it yourself but the harmony was so good
Samcheongdong restaurant's recommended taste is Yogi! The taste of pounding your knees! Deliciously full ?
Seolleung station gourmet restaurant recommended here The taste of pounding your knees! Sar in the mouth
feeling (2019-10-19 07:1)
Recommended Daejeon Dunsan-dong restaurant I recommend it! It's delicious and full!
I think people should eat while feeling
Recommended to go to the restaurant to melt in your mouth ! It's so good, how good is it?
You can boil it for a while and then eat it
Everything else was good, but the crab ate so much that I ate better
dressing (2019-10-19 10:2)
Jongno Restaurants Recommended for You! It's deliciously full ? How delicious ..
You've found a great restaurant! Deliciously full ? Beat your knees!
When I started dressing up, I got stuck.
It was the day I had without
plumpg (2019-10-19 11:4)
Paju restaurant recommended! The taste of pounding your knees! Really honey here!
Yangpyeong restaurant recommended strongly recommended! Sar's mouth is good!
Meet the best of Geoje restaurant! It's really sweet here! Wow!
No matter how thick and plump, even deep
spicyg (2019-10-19 13:4)
It's quite wide. It has a light taste and it's spicy and more irritating.
It's unfamiliar because it
Noryangjin Fish Market Recommended restaurant Unusual taste! Good bite! After all!
Cheonho restaurant is not recommended here ???! It 's sloppy in your mouth!
accordin (2019-10-19 16:0)
Wangsimni restaurant recommended real recognition! It's delicious in my mouth.
Banpo restaurant's great hit! Delicious and ? delicious food
After rubbing, take a bite and add it according to your personal taste.
Namyangju Restaurants Recommended ȳ! Good bite! You must go
Jumunjin Sashimi Restaurant Recommended! Sar's mouth is good!
domestiin (2019-10-19 22:4)
The rice is also sticking to domestic production
Seongsudong Restaurants Recommended exotic taste! The taste of pounding your knees! It tastes so good
It's good to try the recommended Bucheon restaurant! The taste of pounding your knees! How good is it?
I think it's already well known to many people.
Recommended Dangsan station! It 's sloppy in your mouth!
domestiin (2019-10-20 01:0)
The rice is also sticking to domestic production
Seongsudong Restaurants Recommended exotic taste! The taste of pounding your knees! It tastes so good
It's good to try the recommended Bucheon restaurant! The taste of pounding your knees! How good is it?
I think it's already well known to many people.
Recommended Dangsan station! It 's sloppy in your mouth!
loosenn (2019-10-20 11:0)
There are some places that require a reservation system.
You have to eat it to loosen it up
Recommended for daedae restaurant! Good bite! Really honey here!
Recommended gourmet restaurant GOOD! Delicious and ? delicious food
I don't have any shape like grains
cissorn (2019-11-03 15:1)
Best Myeongdong Restaurants GOOD! Good mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth.
Namhae restaurant recommend here I do not know ???! ? I'm sure I'm hungry and delicious!
I had scissors and tongs so I cut it easily
Eulwangri clam grilled restaurant recommended over! Delicious and ?
Cheonho restaurant recommended GO G restaurant certification! It's delicious and full! It's really honey!
It's not seen or heard on the market
billerorn (2019-12-28 21:0)
ظ ʹ װ ־
װ һӴ
װ ִٴ
billerorn (2019-12-29 12:0)
ظ ʹ װ ־
װ һӴ
װ ִٴ
billerorn (2019-12-30 04:4)
ظ ʹ װ ־
װ һӴ
װ ִٴ
billerorn (2019-12-31 12:4)
ظ ʹ װ ־
װ һӴ
װ ִٴ
billerorn (2020-01-01 08:1)
ڱ ޶ Ƴ 1951 , ׺ Ǵϰ ׳ о Ϸ ߴ ׸Ͽ ڻ簡 ġ ʴ´ٴ ̾ ڻ ̺ 'Ű'̶ ϰ Ҹ о ϱ а ǿ ߴ
7lerorn (2020-01-01 23:5)
 ȸ  ŷ , "° Ѱ  Һ ü ?" ϰ ŷ, " 𸣰ڽϴٸ . 㿡 ѹ . ù㿡 ٽô ϴ" ϰ ߴ.
7lerorn (2020-01-02 06:0)
ѽð ڿ ı鿡 ߰ Ǿ Ű ǽ ȸǾµ ǻ簡, " ϴ" ϰ ϴϱ ٴ ǥ 鼭, " ƴմϴ ڿ Դϴ ¾ ǥ 緯 ̾µ"
7lerorn (2020-01-02 13:1)
. ſ ེ ٽ ġ ų η ʿ ġ ̴. ٽ ġ ų ſ ϰ ӽ ũ(James Burke)ȸ 30и TV ȸ ûϿ. ׸ ̶ Ͽ. ̵
7lerorn (2020-01-03 01:1)
! !" ٴ ޻簡 ָ µ ϱ ½ ½ ° ʸ ƴϰ и Ʊ  ȥ ʸ ״ ָ ð پ ħ ͼ 糪
hfhorn (2020-01-04 01:4)
!" "׾ !" ϰ ״ ߾ " ׾! ؼ ʴ!" "ƴ Ҹ ϴ°ž! ̾" " ̶! ±!" ϰ " ε . 1995, ð
hfhorn (2020-01-04 03:4)
!" "׾ !" ϰ ״ ߾ " ׾! ؼ ʴ!" "ƴ Ҹ ϴ°ž! ̾" " ̶! ±!" ϰ " ε . 1995, ð
hfhorn (2020-01-04 23:1)
ٹ(24ۼƮ), ڿ(13ۼƮ), ӽ ٷ(6ۼƮ) ü 뵿 43ۼƮ ϸ, ⿡ Ǿ 8ۼƮ ϸ 51ۼƮ 뵿 ƴ ٷڷ Ȱϰ ִ. . ȿ ٹϴ
hfsf57rn (2020-01-05 02:1)
ŭ . ̷ , Ϲ , 켱 ij ô , Ŀ ʴ ִ ̴. ɷ ٷ ׷  ϳ ̴. ׷ м , Ŀ ָŸȣ
hfd5f57rn (2020-01-05 08:1)
" ٵ ߱" ̷ Ͼ Ǵٽ , Ҹ 鸮⿡ ǵ , ǴаŸ ༮ "ƴ, Ƴ! ʴ ׾ٵ
bifsryyorn (2020-01-06 04:0)
庮 ִ ̶ ص ϴ ̹ ֽŵ ؼ 帳ϴ Ͻô Ͽ Ͽ ϴ ູ ñ⸦ ⵵մϴ" ̿ ݿ Ȳ Ƿ ſ ٰ Ͽ ϴ , ߴ R Ƿɵ Ǿ R ڻ浿 ܰ Ŀ ǰ ã ƿ 忡 Ǿ
bifsryyorn (2020-01-06 13:1)
庮 ִ ̶ ص ϴ ̹ ֽŵ ؼ 帳ϴ Ͻô Ͽ Ͽ ϴ ູ ñ⸦ ⵵մϴ" ̿ ݿ Ȳ Ƿ ſ ٰ Ͽ ϴ , ߴ R Ƿɵ Ǿ R ڻ浿 ܰ Ŀ ǰ ã ƿ 忡 Ǿ
bifsryyorn (2020-01-06 14:5)
庮 ִ ̶ ص ϴ ̹ ֽŵ ؼ 帳ϴ Ͻô Ͽ Ͽ ϴ ູ ñ⸦ ⵵մϴ" ̿ ݿ Ȳ Ƿ ſ ٰ Ͽ ϴ , ߴ R Ƿɵ Ǿ R ڻ浿 ܰ Ŀ ǰ ã ƿ 忡 Ǿ
bifrtyyorn (2020-01-06 22:3)
͵ ༮ ִµ ٷ Ǵ̾ ̳ ȸ ؼ ̾" Ҹ 鸮⿡ ƴ ϱ װ Ÿ ͽŰ ༮̾ "ü
bryyyorn (2020-01-07 18:4)
"" ð ; ġڱ ׷" "׷ٸ ̸ ۿ " 츮 Ŀٶ α  װ и ; Ȧ ȿ ȸ ҷ ҳ ־µ, ȿ
bryyyorn (2020-01-08 10:0)
"" ð ; ġڱ ׷" "׷ٸ ̸ ۿ " 츮 Ŀٶ α  װ и ; Ȧ ȿ ȸ ҷ ҳ ־µ, ȿ
brdgdyorn (2020-01-09 01:4)
ƴ, ?" " ģ! ؼ پ ʸ ھ ڸ ȳ ״ϱ..." " ༮ ȳ ִ ڸ 󰬴µ, ó ̻ϰ įįϰ ȥ
brdgdyorn (2020-01-10 08:2)
"Ƶ  Ǿ..." ϰ ߴ "׷ ̹ ׾ϴ" ϰ ڻ簡 ϴϱ Ƿ, "° ̷ ο ʾҽϴ ̶ ְ ͽϴ" " ο ؼ ̾߱ϼ ׷ Ʋ ϴ" ڻ簡 Ѹ ˾ Ÿ̸ϱ ׳ ܿ Ǿ ̾߱⸦ ߴ ̸Ͽ ũ ڻ ȭ , ׳ ̸ ޾ ο̸, ī 콺 ׸ΰ 202 ־
brdgdyorn (2020-01-10 19:2)
", !" ϰ ҷµ, Ǵٽ ǻ簡, "̽ʴϴ." ϰ ϴ ұⰡ ϰ Դ. Ʋȳ ٰ ϸ鼭 Ӵϸ Ǯ ſ缭 ο ״ Ұ
brdgdyorn (2020-01-11 05:5)
"ϴ Ҹ Ӵ Ҹ ǻ Ͼ鼭, "̽ʴϴ." ϰ ó ϰ ִ. ׷ Ӵϴ Ŵ޸鼭 ̴ Ҹ, ڽ  ִ غƶ. ִ ϰ Ͱ ϴ ϡ ƶ. ׸ ϰ ϴٸ, Ϸ翡 ð غϰ ִ ð ִ غ
brdgdyorn (2020-01-16 11:2)
'Ӵ!'ϰ θϱ Ͻ ˾Ҵ ۿ Ӵ ҽϴ. Ӹÿ ð踦 2ÿϴ."
brdgdyorn (2020-01-16 14:1)
'ϰ ߴ. ׷, "! ϵ غ!" ϰ հ ƨ Ҹ Ҹ 鸮 ׸θ Ҹ ġ ̾. ̾ Ʈ, "ϳ, , , , " ϰ ϰ ջ ġϱ
bdgdggdyorn (2020-01-16 15:3)
( )繫ǰ ս ִ ȭ Ǿ ִ. ( )޽Ľð ο ֵ Ȱ Ǿ ִ( ũ,¼ ġ ) ( )ְ ڷ̼ǵǾ ִ ޽ ִ ( ) Ŀǿ
bdgirgdyorn (2020-01-16 17:4)
(1) Ŀǿ ȫ غǾ ִ. (2)ְ ڷ̼ Ǿִ ޽ ִ. (3) ģϴ. (4)ϰ Ŀܰ Ⱑ ȴ. (5)ֻ 귣 Ŀǿ ︮ ٰ ȴ.
bdfgrerr (2020-01-17 07:0)
1200-1300 ⵶ ⶧, ô ̸ ɿ ϵ ״ ʴ´. (1265-1321) (Ű) ͼ п Ϲȭ Ǿ Ƿ 翬ϰ ϰ ִ ǵ鵵,
bdfsgrerr (2020-01-17 18:4)
, "ѹ ¾ ι ¾ ̻ϴٰ . ڿ ȰѴ." ߰, ེʵ, 1927 4, Ϻ ɷɰȸ ȸ ǿþ ýȸ ߴ. ӿ
bdhfrerr (2020-01-18 00:0)
ູ ڱ ӿ ְ, ִ ְ, ϴ ӿ ֽϴ. 츮 , ׷ ΰ ƴմϴ. ΰ ູ ߱ϱ ؼ ϴ Ȯ .
bd75err (2020-01-18 06:3)
ϴ ӱ ְ , ν, 츮 ﴭԱ ̴. ٸ ȸ ϰ ִ ͵ ⸦  , ɷ. ׸Ͽ . ̸, ̰ κ ۵ȴ.
6475err (2020-01-18 08:2)
ӿ ȯ ʰ ϸ, ƹ Ѿƹϴ. ϰ а ڰ, ϴð ׺ ϰ ϴ. ٰ ⻵ 縦 ϰ Ǿ,
5335err (2020-01-18 10:4)
׷ 츮 ȭϸ ư ֽϴ. ׷ ڱ ݼ ̵ ȭ ƴ϶ ӿ Ұմϴ. ȭ ΰ ȣ ൿ մϴ. ذ ȸ Ϲ ɰ ׸ ˰ մϴ.
5fserr (2020-01-18 12:2)
ƺ ʽϴ. װħ ϰ Ⱦؼ ƴմϴ. ῡ 忡 Դϴ. , ο ٸ .
5sfaerr (2020-01-18 14:4)
° ġϹǷ ĵڼ ǰ ִ ̴., ã ʿ ޷ɿ Ƿϴ , ϵ ȵȴ.
6446sferr (2020-01-18 22:5)
Ƹ . ϴ ϰ  , ̴. Ȥ Ҿ ưٴ ູ ̴. װ ϰ 𸣳, ϰ ̴. 귯 ð ̴.  ̵ ¢ ׻ ϴ ûû Ǵ ð ¡
7dg6sferr (2020-01-19 01:1)
, ο, ״Ͻ, Ʈ, Լ, ᷹׸, 佽 ڵ̴. Ϳ ׻, " . ŵ ." ϰ ƴٰ Ѵ. ׸
7dgdggdr (2020-01-19 03:0)
Ǻ̳ 󱼿 ̸ ڶ ǹմϴ. ȸ ü ƴմϴ. ׷ ȥ ϰ ʴ 踦 ܸϰ, װ͵鸸 ܼ ȵȴٴ Դϴ. ̷ ָ ؾϴ ϴ. 귯, Ͱ ư, ɰ , ٶ Դϴ. Դ ȥ ,
sdgsgdr (2020-01-19 06:4)
ƹ Ǹ ̴. ڽǻ ð ֵ ؾ Ѵ. ׷ ڽ ߿ ð ̴. 츮 ȸ Ȱ ϸ, ó 罽 ִٴ ǰ ӵ Ȱϴ о߷ ϶. װ ַ 츮
aaddr (2020-01-20 00:2)
ҳ μ 'ִ' ٸ ޾ ߰Ͽ ο ̾߱⸦ Ű ̾. " θ , ڴ տ Ÿϱ?" ϴ ް, " 쵵 ְ, ʰ 丸 쵵 ֽϴ. ִٿ ڿ Ȯմϴٸ, ִٿ ΰ ٸ ʽϴ." ϰ , "  ޾Ƶ?" ϴ ؼ, " Ʈ
hffdr (2020-01-21 23:3)
ڰ Ǵ ٿ ũ Ǿ ־ ũġ ٰ Ŀ ٿ ϸ 1843, ũ ̻簡 3 ũ ȸ ִ ð ν ã Ծ ߴ. 系 ̸ ߴ., д ̳ ߸Ǿ ٱ⺸ٴ ȣϰ õ ϴ ԵǴ 찡 ¹̴.
hetetr (2020-01-22 02:4)
츮 ̶ ϰִ. Ƹ ۿ ְڴ°! ٸ ̰ ϸ ŭ Ǿ ִ. . ޸忡 ִ Ű ´. ߴ° ״ ѳ ÿ Ǯ ֽ ٶǰ ǰ Ǿ ±.
fhftetr (2020-01-22 05:5)
ڽ īŰ 󹰸 ѷϰ ̴ Ǵ Ϲ ׳ ö Ѵ. ɷڰ ϰ ɿ ϸ, ׸̳ ۾ ̰, ع̳
tftetr (2020-01-22 07:1)
IMF ô ο 游 , ׸ м 𸣴 Ϻ Բ Ͱ̾. ̱ ýø Ÿ ʾҴ. ׷ Ұϰ ð 50 ױ ̵ϴ , ýø ҷ ź ִ. ׶ ׵ ſ ٸٴ ̴. ״ 50 ̾. ״ Ʈũ
gdgdgtr (2020-01-22 13:4)
IMF ô ο 游 , ׸ м 𸣴 Ϻ Բ Ͱ̾. ̱ ýø Ÿ ʾҴ. ׷ Ұϰ ð 50 ױ ̵ϴ , ýø ҷ ź ִ. ׶ ׵ ſ ٸٴ ̴. ״ 50 ̾. ״ Ʈũ
ggdgdgtr (2020-01-23 08:3)
IMF ô ο 游 , ׸ м 𸣴 Ϻ ñ غ ӱ ɼī带 ϴ ̷ ̴ ʷ ̴. ȭ ǹ Ƕ̵ ÿ Ģ Ѵ. ̰ ž, ϵ ݺ Ǵ 19 Ȳ ſ Ģ̾. óϴ ϰ Ģ ؼν ȹ̰ ϻ ж ó
ggasstr (2020-01-23 13:4)
å ȳ̴ λ ݸ޴Դϴ. ׷ ̷ ƴ϶ ׸ŭ λ Ǿ մϴ. ڽ ܼ ϴ Դϴ. ׷ ɵ̸ ϰ,
6464sstr (2020-01-24 11:2)
1846 "ڿ " "ڿ " "η ش" 3 Ǿ.. л Ƽ(Wassily Leontief) ǻ ýۿ ҷμ ΰ ϰ ̶ ߴ. Ǻٴ ظ, ٴ ؾ մϴ. ְ,
fhhf4sstr (2020-01-25 22:5)
1878, ĸȸ ȸ 󿡼 ߸ ⸦ Ұϱ  ö󰡷  ڰ, " ̸ " ϰ ġ ϴ ٶ ū ҵ Ͼ. ȸ ̿ ڻ,1 ٽ ⿩ üǴ, ڰ ٷ. ׸Ͽ ׸θ, ź ã ൿ϶. ׸
fh575str (2020-01-26 05:3)
IMFκ ܿ ƹ ٴ Ǿ. ǰ, 뷮 Ǿ . ݸ 䱸Ǿ, 迡  ̸, Ҿ Բ Ϸ پ ں (1533-1603) ׳ ڽ üκ ޾Ұ, þ θí(1742-1819) ɿ Ͽ ڱ ޾, Ʈ 췹 պ Ҽ ɰ ̾߱⸦ ְ ޾ ٰ ִٴ
6464str (2020-01-26 06:2)
ױ 1 ɷȴ ȴ. ȥڿ, ߿ ̶ ð ̿ Ѵٰ Ѵ. ֹ̾. ̴ . θ 忡޸ Ʈ ̿  ؾ ׵ ִ. 켱 ִ ʴ´ٴ ̴. Ʋ δ ͵ ְ δ ͵ ִ. ׵ Ͱ ְ ̴. ׵ , ٶ Ͱ ǥ
6hffhh (2020-01-26 07:3)
ǥǴ ϰ, Ȯϰ, о ־ Ѵ. κ ڽ ̲ ־ Ѵ. ̷ ̷ ٸ, ġ߿ , װ ؼν ڽ ̷ ٽ  ־ ̴. ״ ڽ ް ִ ȭų ־. ׸ ڽ ڰ Ǿ. ״ Ƽ Ҹ ; ߰, ü
64224hh (2020-01-26 09:4)
װ ÷ ޶ ƴϴ. ׻ ϴ Ȳ ϴ ƴϴ. ̳ϰ ؾ ϴ ̳  ħ, Ư ǥ и Ǿ Ѵ. ٽþ ġ Ͱ ȥؼ ȴ. װ 濵 ̳, ˰ ð ɰ ٸ ִ. ׷Ƿ ϡ ɡ̶ , ̰ ִ١ ü ϴ.
6bcbhh (2020-01-26 16:4)
ε ſ μ ΰ 踦 ִ Ͽ , ǰ ´. ſ μ ĥ ִ ⿡ ǰ , ׵ ٶ ִ 븦 и
6bcbhh (2020-01-27 10:5)
ູ ڽŰ ̱ Դϴ. ׺ Ͽ ο ڴ ູϸ, ٴ , ϴٴ , ģϴٴ , ϴٴ ູ ׻ ܺο Ÿ ˴ϴ. ø ʴ ̶ ȯڿ ޶ ȥ ɽŰ ִ ǵ ȥ 𿵸ſ ٰ ϰ ɽڿ ȭ ν ؼ ϴ ִ , ޿ɷڴ ̾߱⸦ ְ ޾ Ÿ ȥ
6bbjhgjhh (2020-01-27 13:5)
ٸ ģ ״ ȳ ũ ȣڱ ٴ ˾Ƴ, žϿ. и ȣ ̾µ ұϰ, ȣ ū氡 ߴ. ӰԵ ״ 3׷ ко߿ ̶ Ǹ ڿ Դ. ׷ 2 , Ҹ ̿ ִ ߵǾǷ, ü ϴ ְ Ǿ, ̿
6utgjhh (2020-01-28 05:4)
ܰ踦 غϷ, ο ӿ ãƳ ڱ ݷ Ⱑ ʿϴ. ִ ̴. λ ǹ̸ ãư ̸, ڱ ڽ Ǿ ̴. 忡 ִ ܾ ̻ λ̴. ȭء ÿ ٸ ο ָ ɾ ɺθ ൿ ϵ ߴ. ׷, Ե ָ ɸ οԴ ɺθ ٸ ൿ տ ϰ ̴ , ޴ ϳϳ и ϴ ̾. "
6nvgjhh (2020-01-28 08:3)
̾. ׿ 빰 ̾. ׷ ð 귯 ϷϷ ν Ǹ ״ Ѵ. ƹ 鿡  ž. ְھ. ܾ ھ. ״ ƺ ⸦ ޾Ƶ
utgjhh (2020-01-28 10:2)
 óް Ǹ 긮, · ̷ , ̷ ӵǾ ̴. ׸Ͽ ܰ迡 ̸ . °, ϴ ߿ ʴ. ׵ ϴ ߿ϴ 츮 Ǿ԰, ׷ Ű. ׷ ϶. ǰ ְ 濵ڴ Ĺ λ̴. ׸ λ ʿϴ١ ߴ.
nvhhh (2020-01-28 22:2)
ϼ Ư 졯ŭ . Ư Բ ׷ Ư شٴ ſ ܽĿ ︮ ġ ̾. ׳ ſ ִ° Ҵ. ϴ ͵ ߿ װ ʿߴ. ǥ ǰ ұϰ ΰ ̷Դ ̰ ¿ Ʋ ӿ 뽺 ۿ Ǿ. ̰ 밡̸ ٺ ذ ǿ Ȥ ̴.
nnvvnh (2020-01-29 11:2)
ϰ ϰ ãƿ մ ٷο ȳϿ տ ְ, "̰ ãư ƿ״ϱ ֽʽÿ." ϰ մ ´. ׷ Ϸ簡 , " . ٶ" ̶ Դϴ.
nnvvnh (2020-01-29 11:2)
ϰ ϰ ãƿ մ ٷο ȳϿ տ ְ, "̰ ãư ƿ״ϱ ֽʽÿ." ϰ մ ´. ׷ Ϸ簡 , " . ٶ" ̶ Դϴ.
nngdnh (2020-01-31 03:2)
.Ŭ 2 Ŀ Ƶ 纹 ־. ΰ ̷ ü ȭǾԴ. ׵ Ŀ ϴ ׻ ִ ó ý . ȭ ̹ ڿ Ұ ⿡ ó ŭ پ
nnfsdnh (2020-01-31 04:1)
̷ ü ȭǾԴ. ׵ Ŀ ϴ ׻ ױ ư , 쿡 Դ ̳Ŀ ߰ ȵ 忡 ־. ŵδ ϴĴ ѹ ܿ ޷ ִ ̾. ΰ ƹ ¥ , տ 帱 μ ΰ شٴ , ̶ Ƴ߸ ó üϰ Ǿ ̴. ɿ
86dnh (2020-01-31 05:2)
Ǵ Ⱑ Ǿ ɷڵ Ͼ , 1848 3 31 ɷɰ ̴. ׵ 1927 12, ü ÿ ɷڵ ȸ(3⸶ ֵǴ ȸμ ֱٿ Ȳ ̷ ִ) ǿ ǰϿ, ϴ 8 ž 73 40 ɷ ȸ 忡
8gjgnh (2020-01-31 06:1)
ڽľ!" "̶ ü  ϸ " "ٸ ༮ ϰ ִ " ð ִ ִ ȥ  ϴ 𸣰 ·  Ἥ ð ϴ и߾ ž 糪 Ŵ޷ ִ ȥ 뵵 糪  ϴ , ƲŸ鼭 Ͼ Ҹġ ϴ° ƴѰ "̺! μ ž 73 40 ɷ ȸ 忡
8ghfhfnh (2020-01-31 08:5)
߱Ϸ ϸ ġ νϸ鼭 Դϴ. ΰ ΰ ٸ 񱳰 ʽϴ. ΰ ϴ ȥ ֱ ̶ մϴ, 鼭 ϸ ư Դ ߶ϰ żϰ ȥ ̴ ֽϴ. ̿, Դϴ. ڽź ó ⵵ϰ, ڽ Ȱ ϴ ⵵ ø ŷϰ Ƹϴ.
mbbnh (2020-02-01 18:3)
10 и Ǵ . ð ó, 굵 θ 󰡰 þ ִ. ýø Ÿ ټð Ǿ´. ãƿ 볪 ο ־. Ѵٴ ͸ ູ ִ. ٶ ̷ο , ѻ ö . ӿ, ޺ ӿ, ϴ ӿ, ΰ ־. װ 󸶳 ູߴ! ޽ ̴.
mbbnh (2020-02-01 18:3)
10 и Ǵ . ð ó, 굵 θ 󰡰 þ ִ. ýø Ÿ ټð Ǿ´. ãƿ 볪 ο ־. Ѵٴ ͸ ູ ִ. ٶ ̷ο , ѻ ö . ӿ, ޺ ӿ, ϴ ӿ, ΰ ־. װ 󸶳 ູߴ! ޽ ̴.
vxmbnh (2020-02-01 21:0)
13⵿ Ȱ ִ. ׷ ٸ ȭ Ʋ ְ Ѵ. 12° Ǵ ؿ ȭ κ ־. ϻ ӿ 鿩ٺ ð ٲٰ, װ ޾Ƶ̴ µ ٲٰ, ൿ ٲ̰ 翡 ִ 鿡Դ ִ. ȶ ̷ ظ ޾, ׷ û θ Ÿ ʾ ̴. ׵ Ư¡ ̷ 縦
ututunh (2020-02-01 22:3)
15 ũ ڻ翡 ̰ ö ߰ߵǾ ǰ ̵ а ݵ ʴ´ٴ Ǿ. ũ ڻ Ӽ ٴ Ȥ ϱ įį Ҽӿ ѹ . ڻ簡 ׳ ϱ, " Ƿ ! ȥ ̿ ʹ ɼ̽ñ!" ϰ Ͽ ڻ簡 ׳ ̸ ϱ ڱ ̺ ̶ ߴ ׸Ͽ ڻ簡, "׷ ̺
utuddasfnh (2020-02-02 00:2)
1910 3 ó ڳ  ټ ˷굵׸ Ҿ Ŀ ־. , ° Ǵ پµ ־ ״ Ÿ, ",
utufsssfnh (2020-02-02 01:5)
1939 5 26, ο뽺̷ ÿ ȸ W ѵ ɾ ִٰ Խ ¿ ü ó 鼭 ״ Ұ Ҵ. , ӿ ߴ T ׶ Wκ ü
ssfsssfnh (2020-02-02 03:0)
1 , â Ѿ Ĺ߾ü 뿡 ̸ ־. ̶, ȸ غ Ǿ ־. ׸ŭ ־ . ȭ
sgdgdfnh (2020-02-02 04:2)
1 ڽ ġ ѻ ̷ ִ Ȱ 1α̶ ϴ ȸ ڽ 踦 Ӱ ֵ ش. 漺ɰ ִ ð 밡 ԰Ÿ ޴ ƴ϶, ࿡ ȣ
sgdhfnh (2020-02-02 06:1)
200ųι Ʈ󽺿 ¿ ־. ̷ ÿ ٸ ׵ Ÿ´. Ҽ ī(1811-1863) , ̴.
sghfhfnh (2020-02-02 07:5)
3,500 ϰ Ȱ ִ. 븦 ַ ⵵ Ѵ. ٸ ϳ â-溹 ö ̿ϰ, 溹ÿ 3ȣ Ÿ ٰ, 3 5ȣ Ÿ, ǵ ö ȸ ȴ ̴. ҿð 1ð̸, 1,500̶ . ܿ
dgncvssh (2020-02-05 16:3)
ldrige Award) ׸ 1 ǰ 濵 ҷμ ְ 濵ڿ ׿ ϴ ߿ ʡ Ű ִ. ׵ ʰ Բ ϳ ġ μ 濵 ʡ ϴ 濵 ȯ ȭ 濵 а ε巯. Ȯ 游 濵 ڱ ĵ, ׸ 濵 Ǯ .
dfsssh (2020-02-06 14:5)
MF ñκ ۵ ƴϴ. ̰ ̸ 濵 . 濵ڵ ̰ͺ Ѵ. ϴ , ġ ݿϴ ְ κ ö󰣴. âس ٴ ְ ϰ ִ å ϳΡ 뵿 the end of work ִ. Ų(jeremy rifkin) ο ڷῡ ϸ, ̱ ų 200 ̻ ڸ
dgdgyh (2020-02-06 23:5)
޾, ϰԵ " ȯ ̴" 쵵 ־. 1750, ̱ ÷ũ ó " " ϴ ǥ , л źڶ 弳 ۺξ, ⼳ ƹ ʾҴ. 1769, ĸ л  "ϴÿ ƴϴ" ߾. ׻ ƴ϶ 긮 ȸ  缭 ۼϿ ο ,
surtyh (2020-02-07 22:1)
õպ ̴ 꿡 õ硯 Ҹ ѿ Ǿ ִ. ̴. ָ ־, ġ ڵ , ϰ . ù°, Ƿ ġ ̹ 忡 ִ. ִ 嵵 ó ִ. θ ൿ ϶ ƴϴ. Ģ̴, ̴
eerttyh (2020-02-07 23:5)
Built to Last̶ å , ۵ 濵 ӽ ݸ (James C. Collins) (Jerry I. Porras), ٽ ġ ݵ ո ʿ , ȭǾ ٰ Ѵ
evnnyh (2020-02-08 02:4)
̴. ֱ ÷ ΰ ñ ִ ü ظߴٰ ϴ ϴ. ׷ ذ Ӹ ƴ϶ ذDZ ̴. ؼ 츮 ,  ,  ȭ ̴. , 츮 ΰ η(η) ӿ , ° η ִ, η  ⱸ
jlnyh (2020-02-08 09:3)
̳ ڷ δٴ ̴̾߱. B ټ Ǵ ° ġḦ ص ϰ, ٴ ̾. ô ƾ߲ (δ A̶ ) ̻󽺷 ɷ ڶ ҹ dzϱ ãƴܷýŰ Դϴ. ׷  ñ ǥ Ӿ , λ ǥ Ȯ μ ΰ ִ Դϴ.
teyh (2020-02-08 10:5)
ٷ . λ ̶, ϰ ִ ̴. 굿 ٷ ȯ ӿ ٸ Ƿü Ƹٿ ̻縦 ߴ. ̻ ׵ ظ ´. ѱ ȸ ü Ұ⿡ ô޷ Ƿ ȭǾ ̴. ȸ ߿
ttedyh (2020-02-09 08:1)
ϴ . θ ־ ȴ. װ ϻ ӿ üȭǴ ʿ Ѵ. λ ȳ̴ ִ ְ, ִ ̰ ˴ϴ. , , ؼ 츮 ȭ ϸ, ׸ϸ ñϰ մϴ. ڴ
ttjgyh (2020-02-09 09:4)
ִ. ȸ ο ̹ ְ, ̷ ȭ ° ٲ ִ. 1996, θ غ 뵿 Ͽ ְ ִ. ġ ʿ ̴. ġ ִ. ʴ ϰ ִٴ ǻ̴. ȭ Ȱ ⺻ ޾Ƶ̴ ׷Ƿ ſ ߿ ̶ ִ. ƿ﷯ ȭ
jgjgyh (2020-02-09 10:4)
, ׸Ͽ ǰ ʹٴ Ǿ. ٸ μ ȴ. ٺ ,˰ ϴ ̴. ׷ 츮 ϱ ؾ ϴ ϡ ϴ 忡 ִ. IMF ṉ̃ ƴϴ. ΰ 뵿 ̻ ߿ Ұ ȸ ϰ ֱ ̴. ̷ϰԵ Ƶη
jgutgyh (2020-02-09 12:2)
Ű ! װ ִ ߾ 㳪 ƹ ָ ᵵ տ ʴ´ ̾ ׷ . ̰ ɷġḦ ̰ŴϿ, ̿ ̷ Ƹ . ڱ 𸣰 ־µ, ΰ ȥ ̿ ڱⰡ ׾ٴ ϰ ̻ ϸ鼭,
jggdgyh (2020-02-09 13:2)
ְڴ. 迡 а ڱ ǰ ۰ Ű ̰ ڿԴ ߿ ̶. ü ü ɷɰп 񸣾ڻ簡 , 迡 ѹڿ 鿩 Ҵٰ ٽ Ƴ ̴. . A ٸ η
hfhffxh (2020-02-11 09:0)
ؿ ݵ ʿϴ. , 뼭 ޴ǿ ִ ̴. ǹ  ̰ ־ ? ѱ ã ó ѱ ٷ ο ΰ Ͽ? ׵ ǹ ̷ ׸
hftexh (2020-02-11 11:5)
ϸ ־. ΰ ؼ ־. ׸ ΰ ݾ Ǿ ν ⵵ ϰ, ⸦ ذ⵵ ߴ. ׷  Ӽ 찡 ִ.
h64exh (2020-02-11 21:2)
⵵ ϸ, δ ó 쵵 ־. 迡 ڶ ޶ Ź ް ߶ ƹ ϰ кϿ ڱ ߴ.
fsfsxh (2020-02-11 22:5)
⵵ Ѵ. 9 ھ ð̴. ԰, ̵ Ƶ ä ö Ÿ 3 ȭ ƿ⵵ Ѵ. 12ð Ǿ ´.
hfdffxh (2020-02-12 01:5)
ٷȴٰ 亯 ߴ. ״ ȣ 忡 Ҹ . ׷ ̾ϴٴ Բ Ʈī ȸ ߸̴ ش޶ ȸ Դٰ Ѵ. ãư ذȴٴ ־. ׷ ǰ 忡 ȸ Ͻ Ʈʷ ٲ ȴ. ̶ ڿ ǰ 衯 ġ Ͻ Ʈʸ ִ
ttre4dh (2020-02-17 08:1)
ſ ϰ ִ. ¿ Ҿ, ȣ 񽺿 ϳ ־ ̴. ̰ 깰̶ Ѵ. о߿ ְ ǰ
ttregddh (2020-02-17 10:0)
̷ ؼ ϴ ΰ ޶پ ô ˰ Ǿ, Ȯϰ ϸ װ ô Ͱ ٸ ð ⻵ϴ ʴ ̾ · ̾, ÿ ϱ⵵ ׸Ͽ ĥ
rwteddh (2020-02-17 12:2)
ſ پ. ״ ϰ Ǹ, ü ٰŰ ϱ Ҹ 忡 . ׷ ´ , ´ ̾. ΰ
rrbcrtdh (2020-02-22 05:3)
° Ŵν 缳ϴ ȿ ֱ ̴. ̰ Ҽ ݿ ϴ ̴. 츮 ϴ ,츮 ϴ ,츮 ϴ ҿ,츮 ϴ · ġ 1981⿡ ȸ ϸ鼭, ڽ Ѵ١ ߴ. GE ǹ ϰ Ǹϴٰ , ״ ̹ ǹ ٽ ϰ ־ ̴. ׸ ٲپ. ׷Ƿ ݺ
rr65rtdh (2020-02-22 10:3)
뷡 縦 Ѵ. ׷ װ ΰ ٿ 뷡ϰ ִ ̴. ũ , ˼ Ǿ ƿ .  ̷ ϻ ӿ ־?
rradfdh (2020-02-22 11:3)
ũ ư 3° Ǵ ؿ ־ ȸ ε, ΰ ̽ ѹ . 12, 3 , ܿ ÷μ ϴٰ Ǵ 𿵸Ű ־. ̾߱ 츮 ģô Ǵ 𾾸 ׿ Ͼ ̴. ó 𾾰 ¾ ư Ҿƹ ϴ ͼ, " ƶ" " ׾Ҵ" " 糪̴ 𸣰ڴ"...
rrljdfdh (2020-02-22 12:4)
Ұ ,  Ȳ Ⱦ ̷ ̸,
rroudfdh (2020-02-22 17:5)
Ұ ,  Ȳ Ⱦ ̳ ǥ , ٸ ּ ϴ װͿ Ѵٴ Դϴ. ǥ ϰ ڱ ġ ǥ DZ ڽ ǥ ̷ Դϴ.
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