Jack en Poy
is a hand game played by two people.
The players usually count aloud to four, or speak the name of the game (e.g. "Rock Paper Scissors!" or "Ro Sham Bo!"), each time either raising one hand in a fist and swinging it down on the count or holding it behind.
On the third count (saying,"Shoot!" or "Go!" "Scissors!" or "Bo!"), the players change their hands into one of three gestures, which they then "throw" by extending it towards their opponent. Variations include a version where players use only three counts before throwing their gesture (thus throwing on the count of "Scissors!" or "Bo!", or a version where they shake their hands three times before "throwing." The gestures are (in the 3 gesture version):
The objective is to select a gesture which defeats that of the opponent. Gestures are resolved as follows:
If both players choose the same gesture, the game is tied and the players throw again.