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̹ topic education̿. л ´
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ٵ 츮 , η ؼ θ..
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My essay subject is “private education problem”.
Most of students have received private education at least one since they became student.
In korea, Most high school have extra class, finish time is over 10 pm.
After the class, Most of them are going to attend an academy. Although it's not duty,
Most of them think that they are accountable for having private education for their record.
Private education is regarded as ritual. If student don't have private education, student feels nervous.
They think if they don't have private education, it's demanding to get high score on exam.
And also they don't have self-esteem to get high score.
Some of students don't concentrate the class That's why public education is regarded as
foundation education. Another reason is fatigue. They always don't have sufficient sleep time.
It's tangible cause. Their own time is sacrificed by studying. And some parents always monitor them.
So they could be stressed out . And some of them are distraught . It's a huge problem in education.