÷Ⱦ ϴ , ø ؼ ̹ Ѳ ø ؿ...Ф
켱 ֿ ġ鿡 ؼ ϴ!!
ġ ִµ Ȯ Ⱑ ..
Ƽ ˾ƺ ߾ϴ.
I'm terrified of flying.
I'm fascinated by other cultures.
I always get excited about travelling to new places.
I'm usually satisfied with the service I get on planes.
I'm shocked by how little some people know about my country.
I was quite disappointed in the last place I went to on holiday.
I was impressed by the facilities at the last hotel I stayed in.
I'm not aware of any dangers for travellers in my country.
My country is famous for it historical buildings.
I grew very fond of the people I met on holiday.
I'm not sure about the need for so many security checks at airports.
I'm sick of wasting time at airports because of delays or cancellations.
̷ ġ翡 for, by, of, with, in, to, about, at ܾ Ŀ ֽϴ.
Ƿ ġ縦 Ǹ ؾϴµ,
̷ ġ鿡 Ģ 츮 ̰͵ ܿ ۿ ٰ ϳ..
̱ Լ ݺؼ ϸ鼭 ڿ ܿ ֵ ؾ߰ھ~