Ʈ ߶ (ġ)ķ

18 ̵ Բ Ȱϸ Ȱ ȯ濡 ڿ ͼ մϴ


  • ð

    - 6Ÿ
    ԰ Ʈ / Ʈ

    Ʈ ٳ ߶ ġ

    Ƶ- ġ (2019 1 2022 6)


    - ߶ Ŀŧ
    л ~ α׷,б ʵ Ʈ
    - ġ ġ, /

    (Ḯ ȣ-5)
    - 𷰽 Ʈ()
    - ȣ (/л-б , )
    - ȣ Ź: 2 ( ߰ Ź 50% )
    - ȣ Ĵ, ī, ̿: 20% (ķ )


װ, , 뵷, / Ļ(, л б )
, ָ , кθ α׷

  • 2

    2025. 07. 13 ~ 2025. 07. 26
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $2,700
  • 2

    2025. 08. 03 ~ 2025. 08. 16
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $2,700
  • 3

    2025. 07. 06 ~ 2025. 07. 26
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $3,950
  • 3

    2025. 07. 27 ~ 2025. 08. 16
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $3,950
  • 4

    2025. 07. 06 ~ 2025. 08. 02
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $5,200
  • 4

    2025. 07. 20 ~ 2025. 08. 16
    ڳ 1 + θ 1 $5,200

ķ Ȳ



Time&Date Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
7:30-8:30 Arrival Time / Free Play / Morning Snack
8:30-8:45 Circle Time
8:45-9:15 Garden Outdoor activities Maths 1
Review on recognizing and naming the 4 basic colors Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
English 3
Learn about color Red and Shape(P16-19)
P.E. 1
Step on/off the chairs/carpet/blocks
9:15-9:30 SNACK
9:30-10:00 Music1
Learn the song "I see something blue"
Sport 1 English 2
Learn about school objects (circle, thank you, please)
+Have you got a ? - Yes, I have/ No, I haven't.
Free play Story-telling 2
Books about colors
10:00-10:30 Art 1
Decorate the drinks with shapes
Phonics 1
Identify the letter B-b with the sound /b/
Phonics 1
Story-telling 1
Books about colors
Story-telling 3
Books about colors
10:30-11:00 Science 1
Learn about the objects which has the shapes "triangle" in the classroom (name, identify on books, toys, lockers, door, celing.)
English 1
Learn about school objects (book, chair, table, teacher, crayon, pencil) -p12,13
+I've got a.
Science 2
Learn about the objects which has the shapes "rectangle" in the classroom (name, identify on books, toys, lockers, door, celing.)
Sport 2 Maths 2
Recognize the shape Circle and Square
11:00-14:00 LUNCH AND NAP TIME
14:00-14:30 Life skills 1
Table manner
Music 2
P.E. 2 Free play Free play
14:30-15:00 SNACK
15:00-15:30 Outdoor activities Life Skills 2
Offer help, Interrupt and ask for permission
Free play Garden C.Act
15:30-16:15 ECA


Time&Date Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
7:30-8:30 Arrival Time / Free Play / Morning Snack
8:30-8:45 Circle Time
8:45-9:15 Outdoor activities Science 2
Discriminate colors (name, Identify the difference between colors-dark, light.)
Phonics 1
Phonic chant with I/i/. Trace the letter I.
Music 1
Learn the song "sing a rainbow"
9:15-9:30 SNACK
9:30-10:00 Maths 1
Review colors and basic shapes
English 2
Story(p16-17 and listening(p18)
Outdoor joint K2 play Math 3
Review solid and basic shapes
Show & Tell 2
10:00-10:30 Science 1
Learn about the green and red, yellow, blue objects in natural world (name, identify)
Free play Life Skills
Russian salad
Phonics 2
Phonic chant with O/o/. Trace the letter O.
C.Act 1
10:30-11:00 English 1
My school (UNIT 2-P14-15)
Is it a.? - Yes, It is/ No, It isn't.
Maths 2
Review the solid shapes
Show & Tell 1
Kids learn how to introduce themseves with their new toys such as name, age, what new toy is, who bought it, invite everyone to play with.
English 3
Speaking (P19 and values(p21.22)
C.Act 2
11:00-14:00 LUNCH AND NAP TIME
14:00-14:30 Language Fun 1 Art 1
Cut out the shapes to make garlands: star, square, heart
Art/C.Act Free play Sport 2
14:30-15:00 SNACK
15:00-15:30 P.E. 1
Run 12m - high start.
P.E. 2
Music 2
Sport 1 Art 2
Decorating the window, class room by shapes.
15:30-16:15 ECA


Time&Date Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
7:30-8:30 Arrival Time / Free Play / Morning Snack
8:30-8:45 Circle Time
8:45-9:15 English 1
At school (UNIT2)-P14-15
+ What do you do at school?-I.
Art 1
Make shape garlands to decorate the class
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities Role Play
9:15-9:30 SNACK
9:30-10:00 P.E. 1
Walk on a 10cm line holding 2 objects in 2 hands.
Math 2
Compare colors and learn the concept "more/less; equal/not equal"
Phonics 1
CVC short /a/-ap word family. Trace the lower case c
English 3
Math and worksheet (20-23)
P.E. 2
10:00-10:30 Maths 1
Compare colors and learn the concept "the same, different, few, many"
Sport 1 Show & Tell 1
Introduce myself with my new toys such as name, age, name of the toy, who bought it, invite everyone to play with.
Maths 3
Compare colors and using the concept "big/bigger/the biggest; small/smaller/the smallest"
Life Skills
Russian salad
10:30-11:00 Free play Science 1
Learn about the school objects (Name and Identify-board, markers, scissor, stapler; crayons, books, magnet, Flashcard, tape, pin, identify)
English 2
STORY (P16-17), listening and Speaking (P18,19)
+Where do you.? - I.. In the. Room
Phonics 2
CVC short /a/-at word family. Trace the lower case d
Science 2
Learn about the school objects (function, How to use)
11:00-14:00 LUNCH AND NAP TIME
14:00-14:30 Language Fun 1 Sport 2 Music 2
Art/C.Act C.Act 1
14:30-15:00 SNACK
15:00-15:30 Music 1
Learn the song "What color is the sky?"
Garden Sport 2 Art 2 C.Act 2
15:30-16:15 ECA


Ʈ ķ ûϱ
ִ +ī

ͳݼ кϰ Ǵ ߿ 츮̿ ´ ķ ã ʽϴ.
, ߸ Ǵ 쿡 Ϲ ̸ ϱⰡ Ʊ⶧,
ͳ ˻ ð Һϱ ķ , ̿ ´ ķ غϼ!!
̿뿡 ȳ

ϴ ׸

ȸ ȸ, , û

Ʒ ϰ ֽϴ.


̸ , , , αID , йȣ , ȭȣ , ּ , ޴ȭȣ , ̸ , Ű



ȸ Ȱմϴ.

, , ǰ Ǵ û ߼


ȸ ̿뿡 Ȯ , ĺ , ҷ ȸ ̿ ΰ , ǻ Ȯ , Ȯ , Ҹó οó ,


̺Ʈ , ľ Ǵ ȸ ̿뿡


Ģ, ̿ ޼ Ŀ ش ü ıմϴ.

, Ͽ ʿ䰡 ִ ȸ Ʒ ɿ Ⱓ ȸ մϴ.


׸ :

ٰ : Ǵ ûöȸ 

Ⱓ : 3

Ǵ ûöȸ  :

  5 (ڻŷ Һںȣ )

ݰ ȭ ޿ :

  5 (ڻŷ Һںȣ )

Һ Ҹ Ǵ ó :

  3 (ڻŷ Һںȣ )

û ϱ>

ķ ı

ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī1
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī2
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ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī9
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī10
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī11
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī124
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ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī15
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī16
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī17
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 25 ī18
ڴ  ʸ ķ θ 24 ī1
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ڴ  ʸ ķ кθ ī

Ƚ п ϱ

п ðܾ ϳ?

ؿܱ 縦 ξ, п غ ɾ å ִ Ը ϰ ִ п ϼž մϴ. ϰ ִ п Դϴ. Ⱑ 鼭 ұԸ п  ü ݰ α׳ ī ¶ üθ ϰ ֽϴ. ׸Ͽ, п 60~70 ,, 70% Ρ ⼺ ɾ л ϳ ϰ ⱹ Ǵ ⱹ Ŀ θ ۵ ä ׳ ƿ ū ظ ʰ þ ֽϴ. ߻ ȸغ ̹ ʾϴ! ó п ߿մϴ.
  • "ΰ кٰ" л ģ п
  • "п ݰ"屳, п
  • б б 3500 Ƣ п ǥ
  • λ, 'ʸ ǻ ȴ' п
  • å п, '͸' п Ǻ
  • æ 30 п
  • ϱ ãּ. ʸ п Ǻ

׷ п  ϳ?

п ȳ帱Կ

  • 1 繫 ִ ȮΡ
    繫  ī, α ¶ üθ Ǵ ֽϴ. ̷ 쿡 , ȸ аϿ к ϴ 쵵 ֽϴ.
  • 2 Ը ũ ü ü ȮΡ
    ü ̳ ΰ ȣ ϴ. Ʈ ڵϹȣ Բ Ȯϼ.
  • 3 ü ϰ غ
    1, 2 Ż п л ִ п ʱ л ϴ Ǻٴ ڽŵ ִ п ַ Ұݴϴ. п ƹ Ͽ پ п л Ұ ֱ л 忡 ε ϴ ŸϿ ´ п нϴ. ڴ 29 ؿ鼭 ʸ κ п Ǿ ־ ϴ ´ п õ մϴ.
  • 4 繫 ִ ȮΡ
    ڴ 2005 繫 ΰ , ʸ, ȣ, ij, Ϻ 縦 ΰ ֽϴ. л Ȱ Ǹ ϰ л ϸ ãư , ׸ ƴ ɾ л å п ҽĵ ߺ ֱ ֽϴ.
  • 5 к 
    п п õְ п ϸ å մϴ. ᱹ ش л ˴ϴ. ڴ к Ȥ õп θ ϴ 찡 ߻ Ÿ п ֵ Ⱓ åϴ.

αִ #ķ

Ʈ ۱ ֽȸ ڴĿ , ̸ ̿ϴ ۱ǹ  å ֽϴ.
ڹȣ:101-86-75905 ڸ:ֽȸ ǥ:ڼö
ڵϹȣ:2015-000011ȣ ּ:Ư 27 8, 10(ﵿ Ÿ)
ȸ Ұ | ä | ޹ | ̿ | ޹ħ | Żϱ
弾 ij ̱ ȣ۽Ʈ