̹ ֿ̹ grammar review ҰԿ!
ٲķ ߾
ٴ ̾߱⸦ Ͻô Ÿ̶.....
ϰŵФб û ߱.
ħ Ͼ ױ⺸ ,........ٲϴ٤Ф ְ
ġ ̾߱ ð ͺٴ Ф
庥ö ͽϴ° ǥ ؼ ؾؿ..
ƹư ֿ̹ present perfect , present perfect progressive phrasal verbs
Ϸ Ϸ ѹ µ Ծ..
ŭ ߿ϴ ̰??
Ϸ ߿ ̴ Ϸ Ű Ŵ ̹ ϴ°!! ߿ϴϴ..
κ Ȯϰų 忡 Ÿ Ÿ
ܾ . last night, ago, when...
Ϸ ſ Ȯ 쿡
ǥΰ since ~̷ ӵǴ
I have played the tennis since I was young. ״Ͻ ĿԴ. ε
Ȯ . Ϸ ݱ ϰ ְ ɰŶ ̿ has/have been -ing ̿
Ϸ ణ ̷ ־. she has been studying about the ramification of increasing human life spans. ׳ ź ݱ ΰ ϰ ε Դϴ. .
ٵ Ȯ ϼ̳~~
phrasal verb. ϻ ̰ .
ٵ phrasal verb ִ 찡 Ƽ ܿ Ф
ܿ ۿ ........... ܿô礻
ŷδ come back, figure out, look into, pick up..
̷ ̿ 簡 ִµ, Ư ̰ ܿ¼ۿ.. Ư ,call off (cancel), pick out(choose), take away(remove), think up(invent), work out(solve) ִϴ!