ϱ⸦ ۼϰڽϴ.
Go õ PhrasalVerbs ϴ.
Go after = 1.Chase or follow somebody 2.Try to get somethings
Go ahead = 1.happen, be done 2.start
Go away = Leave a person or a place
Go back = Return
Go down = 1.fall to the ground 2.Becomereduced in price, amount, quantity
Go for = 1.choose 2.like or admire
Go in(to) = enter a room, a house
Go off = 1.Explode 2.stop working orfunctioning
Go on = 1.continue 2.happen, take place
Go out = 1.leave your house to go to aspecial event 2.stop burning
Go over = Examine or check somethingcarefully
Go up = 1.rise, increase, become higher2.be built
Phrasal Verbsϴ.