ϱ⸦ ۼϰڽϴ.
ֺ̹ʹ Ŭ WHB HB ٲµ, Ÿ ־ ǽ о ξ ϴ!
ð ˿ õ ܾ鿡 ؼ ϴ. ܾ鿡 ؼ غڽϴ.
Kidnapping= Taking somebody and demandingmoney or conditions to free that person.
Fraud= To deceive or cheat someone to getmoney
Rape= To violently attack a person sexually
Mugging= To take something by force fromsomeone, often in the street
Theft= Stealing-usually secretly andwithout violence
Pickpocketing= To steal from someone’spocket, etc, without them realizing
Burglary= To enter a building, often whileno one is in it, and steal money or objects
Manslaughter= Killing someone by accidentthrough a careless or dangerous act
Hijacking= To use force to take control ofa plane, ship, train, etc
Murder= Unlawfully and deliberately killingsomeone
Arson= To set a fire to a buildingillegally
Shoplifting= To steal things whilepretending to shop
Smuggling= To bring illegal goods, likedrugs, into a country or to bring goods into a country without paying taxes