Grammerð ؼ ڷ ص帱. ٷ <IF, >ؼ ߽ϴ.
If + S + V (present verb), S + will + bfv(Base form verb) >> Future
If + S + V (past verb), S + would + bfv(Base form verb) >> present
If + S + had p.p (present perfect), S + would have + p.p >> Past
̶ ˰ ̻̿
regret unreal, real ٰ ϴ
⼭ ذ ȵǴ IF WERE / was !!!!!
ͳݿ ãƺ غ
was Ȯ Ȳ (For uncertain situation, we can use if i was ~~~)
Were ƴ 츦 Ҷ Ѵٰ ϳ (for unreal situation, we can use if i were ~~~)
If i were you, i should have gotten hard study
ʿٸ θ ߾ ߴµ ʾҴ~~
̶ >> ʴ ƴϰ ʿٸ ̶ , , ƴ Ȳ ̾߱ Ѱ̹Ƿ were ̴ϴ
Ȯ Ȳ϶ was ٰ ʵ˴ϴ.!!!!!!
̶ ⼭ Unless ϴ 찡 ־ When̳
Unless IF not̶ Ͻø ˴ϴ
If i win the lottery, i will be wealthy
Unless i win the lottery, i won't quit my job
If i don't hurry up, i will be late for work.
̷ ø Unless IF negative Ȳ unless ϱ
When ֱ Ͼ Ϳ (real) If when մϴ
when i got paid, i go shopping
when it rains, i use an umbrella to stay dry.