How to use the Tagalog Verbs:
1. Find the English root of the verb.
2. Find its Tagalog equivalent.
3. Decide which focus (actor or object) in Tagalog you want to use.
4. In using either actor- or object-focus form of the verb in aTagalog sentence, remember this basic word order in Tagalog:
Verb + Subject + (Adjective) Object
5. Examples:
The following are examples of actor- and object-focussentences. The verb is KAIN, conjugated in completed,
incompleted, and contemplated forms, respectively.
Actor Focus
Kumain ako ng tinapay kaninangumaga.
Kumakain ako ng tinapay ngayon.
Kakain ako ng tinapay bukas.Object Focus
Kinain ko ang tinapay kaninang umaga.Kinakain ko ang tinapay ngayon.
Kakainin ko ang tinapay bukas.
6. The examples provided in the tables below are the mostcommon Tagalog verbs used by Tagalog speakers.
There are verbs that have both -UM- and MAG-actor-focus
forms, and several object-focus forms (I-, -IN- or -AN).
Comp=Completed (Perfective) Aspect - action started and
Inc=Incompleted (Imperfective) Aspect - action started but notyet completed
Cont=Contemplated Aspect - action not started but anticipatedor contemplated