One of the best variations is to put the balloon between the knees of two people - it's like a three
legged race without the adjacent legs being tied but those legs have to move together or the balloon
will drop to the ground ( if it does it can either be picked up and the pair carry on from where they
lost the balloon - or the have to go back to the start again - decide on the rules BEFORE the game
starts and TELL everyone what they are ). The balloon could pop as well - it would be usual for the
pair to go back to the beginning in this case. Arms around each other's shoulders for stability works
well as in the three legged race.
1.Pair up all the participants and provide each with one balloon placed in the ground. At no time may any team member touch the balloon with his hands.
2.Mark the starting line and the finish line, at least 20 feet apart, on the ground with masking tape. Both players of each team start at the starting line.
3.On go, one player on the team must maneuver the balloon from the ground to between her knees with no help from her partner and without touching it with her hands.
4. Once in place, the player waddles as quickly as possible to tag the finish line and returns to the starting line. Once she crosses the starting line, she drops the balloon for her partner to pick up, without his hands, between his knees. He must then waddle to the finish line and back.
5.The first team to have both players cross the finish line and starting line wins.
6.If a balloon pops, the team is disqualified. If a balloon falls in the progression to either line, the player must pick it up again and maneuver it between her knees, but she still cannot use her hands.