Catch The Pig is an extremely easy drinking
game. It is also one that can result in a
very loud group of friends. This is a game
that can be played at a bar or a home party.
The supplies needed to play are very limited,
which makes Catch The Pig a drinking game
that can be played any time you wish. Catch
The Pig is a drinking game that typically
does not result in players drinking as heavily
as other drinking games.
The object of the game is to "catch" the next
person, "the pig", to your right, who is still
throwing the die and waiting for a "one".
When this happens the game stops and
the person "caught" has to sink their drink.
A great game with a combination of luck
and, well luck really!!You will need two dice
for this one and about 6-8 people. Everyone
sits around a table. Give a die to two different
people sitting opposite from each other.
How to Play
The game starts with everyone shouting
"Catch the Pig". Then the players with the die
throw it as quickly as possible trying to get
a "one". You take as many throws as needed.
Once you have thrown a "one" give the die
to you neighbour to the right.
The game starts again with everyone shouting
"Catch the Pig", after giving one of the die to
the person across from the loser.
Additional Rules
You can throw the dice as slow or fast as you
want, which gives you a chance to manipulate
the game. For example, you can wait till the
other die is close to you before trying to get
a one. Then you can try to catch your
neighbour once the other die gets to you.
If the die jumps across the table or falls
down, nobody has to help retrieve it. It is
allowed, but... Obviously there is a good
chance to lose that round when you are
rooting around on the floor.
Gather your friends together for a game of Catch
The Pig Drinking Game. The Catch The Pig Drinking
Game is ideal for large groups of friends. The
minimum number of players should be eight
players and the maximum should be twelve players.
Instruct all of the players to sit around a
round or square table. This will make it easy
to pass the dice from one player to another.
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Hand the two dice to different players. One
die should be handed to two different players
sitting directly across from each other to start the game.
Start rolling the dice. The goal is for the
player to roll a one on her die. When a
player rolls a one on her die, the player
passes that die to the player sitting on her
right. This continues with the die passing
each time the roller rolls a one on the die.
Stop the game if the die is passed to a player
who is already rolling a die. When the second
die catches up to the player rolling a die already,
this is called "catching the pig", which is the
goal in Catch The Pig. That player that now
has both dice must take a drink.
Restart the game by giving the second
die to the player across the table from the
player who was caught. Have both players
start rolling again, repeating the game starting
at Step four.