T i r a d o r
is a small-hand projectile weapon made from a Y - shaped branch
of a tree it has a durable rubber that is tied on the two ends of the
Y - shaped branch that serves as the force releaser in order
to make the bullet shoot.
Tirador is generally known as "slingshot" or "sling."
It was made famous by the biblical account of David and Goliath.
The history of slings can be traced through-out
different cultures in the world.
In Ancient Greece, the armies used this as a weapon.
They would throw thousands of egg-shaped stoned on their enemies.
The sling was also found in the tombs of Egypt,
where it is used as a hunting tool.
Evidence of slings were also found in the Chamorro Tribe in the Pacific.
They used slingshots as deadly weapons
P h i l i p p i n e C u l t u r e
In the Philippines, slingshots or tirador is use as a toy and hunting device.
In rural areas, tirador is use to hunt small rodents and birds.