It's a sunny day and it's warm but it's ok because I don't have to stay outside for a long time...
Last friday, I had only 2 phone conversation because most of my students are scheduled for the other day but it's ok because I was a bit tired last friday I don't know my first phone conversation was with Sarah and we talked about her problems because I wasn't able to talk with her the other day so she said she was busy at that time and she was in the hospital so she wasn't able to answer my call..and I was happy to know that she already receive her visa to Australia without any problem and she also solved her problem with her bf because she followed what I told her..after my conversation 2 students arrived here in the lounge..They are Jae and Kyun...They were my close friends back 3 months ago and I was surprised to see that Kyun really did what he promised which was to lose weight and he really did it...He lost a lot than 3 months ago and I'm happy to meet them again though..I felt at ease at that time specially that they were teasing me...but I'm ok...I didn't have the chance to talk to them for long and say goodbye...but everything was ok so I was happy then...after they went out I had my conversation with Kevin and I thought him some of the expressions and he told me that he has an expression book but he left that to his hometown so he wasn't able to study after my conversation few more students arrived in the lounge...
Last saturday, I went home early in the morning because my mother went to the city to have a meeting with my brother's advisor..When I arrived home I went directly to the market to buy some meat and fruits and then after that I went home and washed all my used clothes...On sunday morning we were complete because my father didn't go for work and then I met my nephew whom I haven't seen for 2 weeks and he was really playful and I enjoyed carrying him...kkk..and in the afternoon I came bach here in the city...