IELTS(International English Language Testing System) IDP Education Australia(IDPȣִп) ȭ(British Council) ķ긮(The University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate) Ͽ ְϰ , 105 210 Test Centre ǽõǰ ִ. IELTS Ϸ л ɷ ָ ϴ ɷ , б(Reading), (Writing), (Listening), ϱ(Speaking) 4 Ѵ.
带 Ͽ , ij, ȣ п ιް ִ. ̱, ѱ Ϻ б ϰ , ϰ ִ ̴.
IELTS л ɷ ϴ Academic Module, ü ɷ̳ ̹ΰ ʿ ̹ ɷ ϴ General Training Module . о߿ (Module) κ ־ о߿ Ʈ ġ ִ.
Module A: Physical Sciences and related disciplines Module B: Biological Sciences and related disciplines Module C: Humanities and Social Sciences and related disciplines General Training Module: General id industrial training, short placemenr courses,
upper secondary school proframmes
(Module) 4 ʼ ִ. ð Reading 60, Writing 60, Listening 30, Speaking 15 2ð 45̴.
ESPT ̱ ETS, ACTFL, Stanford University, CSU, LA Colorado Test School, New York State University, Stony Brook, Cambridge UCLES, QCA, LCCIEB, ij Yorkland ֱ ؿ ڻ ԵǾ 8Ⱓ ߵǾǷ ؿ ġġ ̶ , ѱ Ư Ͽ ߵǾ ѱο Դϴ.