I escaped in every academy, and homework and I studied very hard. I came this camp because of my mother said, I t
hought CIA camp was good because they were very popular ESL Company so we can made a mark and sometimes w
e have an activity and went shopping so we were not got boring.
Before I came in CIA I felt it was so so. But now I felt it good.. My good experience d was home visit, shopping, edge
coaster, banana boat, treasure-hunting, swimming, school visit, Taoist Temple, Crocolandia and Fort San Pedro.
I mastered freestyle in swimming class. My best experience was that when we rode a Jet Ski. It was very fast so I had f
un so much. I met friends here. My friends names were Michael, Justin and Yoon Sue, etc.
I learn freestyle in swimming. I thought I improved and learned in Grammar Discussion, Listening and Reading. I thoug
ht my English skills were improved.