Today i watched 'Lion king' on tv.... Actually i used to watched tv before....
But i nowadays i watched tv... Because in movie channel i can watch
some movie.... So i can learn smoe english from that... It was really
good way to learn english.... And it is not bored... So i like it....
Lion king is really old movie... When i was young i like Lion king....
Because i like their story.... Before i watched musical Lion king... It was
really good.... At that time musical remind me about Lion king... But here in
the Philippines, it also remind me about Lion king from tv... It has 3 story
about Lion king... But i don't know about that i just watched only first one...
But i watched second and third one!!! It was really good....
It doesn't have any reasons that i like Lion king... But i like... If i have a
chance to watch musical again.... I want to see again...!!