Name Andre Date 2010-10-07 Hit 1293 蓄探呪 1
Title [拍覗嬢俳据] 尻呪端蝿奄虞奄 左陥澗 益撹 塊旋食詐艦陥.(慎嬢稽

I became a businessman working in the company connected with English stuff.... Nice to meet you, guys...actually.. not meeting..^^.. but...anyway...


 I believe that English is not that boring or hard...


In the past I thought that I couldn't speak or write English at all to save my s

oul. But actually it's a matter of sweat.


The more you do, the more you get. The more you think, the more you have. The more you are exposed, the more you are accustomed.


My English skill is not also advanced falling short of my expectation. However, I started to think that E is my best friend and good guide of my life. As you improve your E skill, you will broaden your horizon of your life. Think of the people over billion who use English.


Life is not easy. Everybody knows that, but sometimes I think that life is not that difficult or harsh if you have your dream.



I just wanna advise you guys....


Have your dream.. E can make your dream come true in diverse ways. There are so many ways to live. You have an opportunity to choose what you wanna do and what you wanna be. Even the old, the retarded, and the crippled have their own dream and try to do their best to achieve their goal. Please don't give up. The last thing I wanna do is giving up on my dream.



Without dream, even though someone breaths, I believe they don't have the engine to make their life vivid. Dream is the soul of your life.


Don't make yourself spiritless by forsaking it. Boost it on a daily basis. Cheer up~~ I want you guys to be what you wanna be. For that, sweat steadily. That's one thing i can tell you... Good luck to your soul and your future... God bless you....



BY Andre(沿厩費)

酔腎 (2010-10-07)
杖原蟹 因採馬檎 慎嬢庚舌聖 襲惟 承呪 赤澗 暗走 ^.^
DDD (2010-10-07)
,,,,,,,,,,,,^^ 陪 俗脊艦陥 失因旋昔 尻呪稽 魁浬牛 杯艦陥~~
ぱ,.ぱ? (2010-10-07)
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