̹ corporate culture ȭµ. ȭ ܺ ϴ Ÿ ǹմϴ. ̹ ŷ Ŭ ..湮ؼ ͺ並 ؿ ̾ϴ. 2 ٸ ǿ ִ 3 ȭ ͺϰ ̼ ؾߴµ. ó ϳ ؾ ƹ ϴ. ͺ並 , װ͵ 2 3 Ф TTC ϴ ̳ Ȧư ϰ ϴµ..
־ , ϴ ȭ ͺ並 Ѵٴ° ʹ δǰ . Ͽ صDZ ʹ . ģ ݿϱ ϴٰ пó Charity ˻ؼ ϴ ͺ ߾. ٵ ȭ ȹ°ſ! Ƹ ݿ̶ ƿ. ٱ ϴ ĵ ϰ ٷ ִ YMCA Big brother Big sister(丵 ) 湮ؼ û߽ϴ. ߾.
Ʒ ۼ߽ϴ.
1. Is there special organizational culture(clothes, hierarchical or is it flat, the attitude for someone) in your organizaion?
2. Do you have team or rules to manage organizational culture?
3. What is your favorite organizational culture?
4. What value do you think Canada gained or learned through your organization
5. Do you have life goals that you would like to achieve from work experiences ?
6 ġ ʰ . ͺ並 ⸦ Ѽ ݵ ߽ϴ. ظϴ κ ϱ. 湮 ! 90% ˾ ־ϴ. ʿϴٴ Ҿ. в ? ̷鼭 ż ʹ ˼ߴµ, ! Ͻø鼭 ٽ ֽô. ߸ ϴ. ̰ ̼ ǥߴµ. Ӹ ƴ϶ ǥϴ µ Ҿ. óؿ. ..Դϴ.