Listening - The Taxi cab
Story ° ȣ ϰ Ǫ ð̿
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7 The cabbie admitted to stealing the car.
3 They wondered why the cab passed them by.
4 The cabbie drove like a madman across Central Park.
1- What idiom is used at the beginning of the story?
Raining cat and dogs
2- where exactly do the women live?
Upper west side of Manhatten
3- How long were they waiting for the bus for?
A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds.
Rhyming words are words that end with the same sound.
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鼭 ϴ ܾ ߰ ܾ Rhyme ġǵ Ǫ
1. Black - a break ina piece of glass.
= crack
2. Brown - a circus performer.
= crown
3. Blue - To go in one side and out of the other
= through