ϱ⸦ ۼϰڽϴ.
ð Idiom ϴ.
Lose something in a sea of detail = to notmake the main message clear because you have focused on the detail.
Steer a middle course = achieve a good balancebetween two extremes.
A whirlwind tour = a very fast andefficient tour or explanation.
Duck a challenge =Deliberately avoid somethingwhich seems complicated and likely to cause problems.
The devil is in the detail = it may seemssimple, but in fact the details are complicated and likely to cause problems.
Waste too much ink on (doing) something =write more than is necessary or is of interest about a subject.
Write something off = decide that somethingor someone is not important or valid and so stop going them your time or attention.
ð idiom̾ϴ.
ϱ ̰ ġڽϴ.