ϱ ̴ּ future perfectand continuous ؼ üũϰ 1 Ǿϴ. Future perfect ̷ Ư ΰ ϷǸ,Ȥ մϴ.
Future continuous ΰ ̷ Ư ǰ, Ư Ŀ ӵǰ ִ Ȳ մϴ.
So/Such~that ؼ ߽ϴ.
ؼ ؼ ϸ ʹ~ؼ~ϴٶ ֽϴ.
ؿ ͵ õԴϴ.
The flight was so bumpy that we all feel sick
The taxi driver drove so quickly that wegot to the airport on time
There was so much traffic that we almostmissed our flight
1)Such+adj+single countable noun
It was such a great hotel that we want togo back there
We had such terrible weather that we didn’tenjoy our vacation
3)Such+adj+plural noun
There were such uncomfortable seats that Icouldn’t sleep
ϱ ̴ּ future perfectand continuous ؼ üũϰ 1 Ǿϴ. Future perfect ̷ Ư ΰ ϷǸ,Ȥ մϴ.
Future continuous ΰ ̷ Ư ǰ, Ư Ŀ ӵǰ ִ Ȳ մϴ.