[ʸ п]- 15̸ ̼ ʸ Ա ǻ
ʸ п ȹϴ е ߿ ̰ 15 ̸̶
п Ű κ ֽϴ.
Ģ ʸ ̹ιɿ 15̸ ̼ڴ ݫȤ ٽ ʴ 쿡 ʸɿ Ա ٰ ֽϴ.
15̸ ̼ڴ . 1 ݵ Ͽ ϸ, ̶ ʸ ̹α
û θ ؾ 쵵 ֽϴ.
Ӵϰ ϴ 쿡 Ҿƿ '' Ʋ Ǿ Ƿ, Ӵ ǿ <W/O ƹ ''>̶ Ǿִ Ȯ ʿ䰡 ֽϴ.
ƹ Ǿ ʴٸ 繫ҿ 'ֹεϵ' ߱ ˴ϴ. ̿ ƹ Ȱ Ȯؾ մϴ.
̷ ̹ι ܴ ֽϴ.
̹ι Ģ ܷμ 20 ̻ (μ) θ Ȥ ȣ
"ҾƵ (Ź)" ϰ ҾƸ μѴٸ
Աϴ 쿡 Ա մϴ.
̷ 쿡 Ʒ غؾմϴ.
. ҾƵ (Ź)
- ۼϿ ްų, ѱ۷ ۼϴ 쿡
- , , ҾƸ ʸ Ա μ
( ) ŹѴٴ ̾ .
* ݵ ۼؾ ϸ, ̸ ǻ ̸ ؾ .
. μ ǻ纻 Ҿ ǻ纻
. ( 3500, ȭ 70 )-ȭ Ұ
-ڸ 쿡 Ź ۼϼŵ .(, )
-Ѹ μڰ μ ִ Ҿ .
-Ա ̹α Աɻ뿡 ̸ Ȯϸ ⱹÿ Ģ ⱹ .
(, 츦 Ա ؾ մϴ.)
[Ҿ Ź ]
I/We, Mr HONG / GIL DONG( ̸) and Ms KIM / MAL JA( ̸)
of legal age, Korean citizen, presently residing in the Republic of Korea, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say;
1. That I/We am/are the parent(s) of Ms HONG / DOL SIK(Ҿ ̸)
2. That I/We hereby give my/our consent for his/her travel to Philippines with Mr/Ms LEE / IN SOL(μ ̸)
3. That I/We, the parent(s) of the aforesaid minor, give(s) this consent of my/our free will and with any reservation :
4. That I/We will defray all his/her travel expenses, accommodations and allowances and other financial needs during the said trip:
5. That I/We, guarantee that he/she will not be a charge against the Philippine Government:
6. That I/We am/are executing this affidavit to attest to the veracity of the contents here of and for all legal intents and purpose it may serve.
ƹ Ӵ
Signature of Father (ƹ ) Signature of Mother (Ӵ )