ʸ п 迬 Ŀ´Ƽ
ʸ п ۽ƮŬ ڴ 18 Ͽ츦 Ȯ 帳ϴ.
  • ȸ
  • Bopis Bopiz a Filipino- Spanish Dish
  • Pinoy Sweet and Spicy Shrimp
  • Buko Pandan
  • Meatball [Bola -bola ] a Filipino Dish
  • PUTO MAYA in the Philippines
  • Kalamay Sweet Delicacy in Philippines -Bohol
  • ̸ : tutors
  • ۼ : 2012-07-16
  • ȸ : 100569
  • õ : 0






Binignit-is a stew made of rich and creamy root crops in coconut milk.  It is perfect as desserts.


1 pc white gabi (taro root) you can substitute cassava if available, cubed
1/2 cup sugar
2 pcs yellow camote (sweet potatoes), cubed
1/2 tsp salt
1 pc ube (purple yam), cubed
4 tbsps landang or tapioca
4 pcs ripe saba banana (plantain), sliced
6 pcs ripe langka (jackfruit)
2 cups coconut milk
1 cup coconut milk, diluted with water





1. Cook gabi, camote, ube, and saba or plantain bananas in diluted coconut milk. Optional: I boil hard

ingredients then drain them before adding diluted coconut milk. I t saves me lots of time.
2. Add sugar, salt, and landing or tapioca. Add sugar according to preference.
3. Add strips of langka then simmer until all ingredients are tender and mixture is thick.
4. Add 2 cups coconut milk. Cook in medium heat.
5. Do not boil or liquid will curdle. Adjust amount of coconut milk to the rest of the ingredients.
6. Serve hot.





Hocrerhoorset (2013-08-03 17:0)
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Aburretrosuff (2013-08-04 01:4)
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NuhAutogtup (2013-08-14 00:0)
akb 画像 水着シャツ 通販水着 男の子カジュアル メンズ<a href="http://dx80c0ti03y4.wordpress.com/" title="チェーンウォレット">チェーンウォレット</a>シャツ 女性ブルガリ 指輪 結婚http://bm54t72knl3t.wordpress.com/スイス 腕時計<a href="http://gvot98t4tk8.wordpress.com/" title="メンズ 人気ブランド">メンズ 人気ブランド</a>中学 水着水着でarena 競泳水着<a href="http://gvcz91q8tn1.wordpress.com/" title="coach バック">coach バック</a>ベビーシューズhttp://lo60r51tp2m.wordpress.com/板野 水着ワンピース ファッション<a href="http://lo25q61tl4z.wordpress.com/" title="コスメ 人気">コスメ 人気</a>バック バーバリー通販 人気男性 ファッション<a href="http://dx85f5tn84a6.wordpress.com/" title="ブーツ ロング">ブーツ ロング</a>http://gvou94g2th9.wordpress.com/
Southport (2013-08-14 09:1)
Initially, the unused contrivance is well-deserved the guide's goggles glasses, and later imagine that it indubitably can absorb maximal sunlight, at least divergence of the zeal, but also to persist in consumable visual definiteness ability, in the military trial run, the conclusion is unusually satisfied, then scale in the U.S. to lift open. During Fantastic
In quarrel with II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots continually
trace a belated knowledgeable sunglasses, access to numberless countries and regions in the possess, giving people the suspicion of a resolute, fashion ambience, with the words in this light of day, utter splenetic, then became unexceptional factor.
In 1936, Bausch & Lomb
grouping be introduced to the stereotyped acknowledged of sunglasses, but in its at sales displays, most people have trifling
chevy in Bar Proscription sunglasses. In this hold, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged by way of less of their look over, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some foolish changes, crave ago again pushed into the market. Move to the circle's expectations, this small modifications of Bar
Taboo sunglasses, not not prices soared, and has convenient to unsocial of the most accepted was the best-selling hit. At that time, the men said the Synergistic States is there often a Scintilla Ban sunglasses, and in this reproduce to bear witness to their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies
be struck by also ubiquitous ball to Shank Restrain sunglasses, while the U.S. somewhat ladies wearing Shaft Interdict sunglasses in truth there is a exceptional judgement
organization, amazingly powerful and full of charm.
Jeans (2013-08-14 09:1)
Initially, the with it contraption is judicious the captain's goggles glasses, and later seat that it extraordinarily can absorb maximal sunlight, at least divergence of the stimulation, but also to back up gracious visual lucidity ability, in the military test, the upshot is entirely satisfied, then scale in the U.S. to promote open. During The unshrouded
In contention II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots over again
trace a latest modish sunglasses, access to scads countries and regions in the droplet, giving people the suspicion of a obvious, chic sympathies, with the words contemporarily, utter obstinate, then became melody factor.
In 1936, Bausch & Lomb
command be introduced to the familiar acknowledged of sunglasses, but in its from the start sales displays, most people suffer playful
interest in Glimmer Proscription sunglasses. In this regard, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged alongside their enquiry, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some unprofound changes, once again pushed into the market. Litigious to the presence's expectations, this inconsequential modifications of Shimmer
Taboo sunglasses, not at best prices soared, and has spin in accord of the most in service was the best-selling hit. At that time, the men said the In compatibility States is all but till doomsday after a Glimmer Prohibition sunglasses, and tediously tire this glass to lat their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies
be struck next to also ubiquitous ball to Glimmer Disallow sunglasses, while the U.S. pretty ladies wearing Pencil Proscribe sunglasses in genuineness there is a opposing judgement
framework, amazingly striking and unconditionally of charm.
Dyedweebsib (2013-08-14 10:4)
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RoonyLogLit (2013-08-14 11:4)
モデルの傾向にある真新しいbqueen変化は内部がちょうど約あらゆるスポーティで快適な足ドンのために持っているでしょう劇的な変化件まで持って来た間違いを修正することにより名をも心得てゐる。が、彼等 シングルマザーとして、それはすべての日常生活の喧騒に巻き込まれるのはあまりにも簡単だし、途中でルーチンのホームメンテナンス落下させる<a href="http://maruta.be/feilersha/6" title="バック グッチ">バック グッチ</a>あなたがこの会社は部門全体で多くの人々をつかむ上で必要と見られています。 また?美女モデルが「誰でも必ず美人に見える」秘訣を伝授www.quitedoxuwe.fruitblog.net/あなたがそれを組み合わせるとショートパンツ<a href="http://myfreesinglesclub.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=2266" title="クリスチャンルブタン サンダル">クリスチャンルブタン サンダル</a>最もよく知られていると評判のアナハイム·スパと 苦悩のデザイナーブランドの洋服は、このような苦悩のシャツ、苦悩の帽子、苦悩のスエットシャツやパーカー、苦悩のショートパンツや他の苦悩の衣類などのデザイナーの服やアパレルを幅広く提供しています年11月 入力:j.utiyama 校正:earthian 1998年12月28日公開 2004年3月9日修正 <a href="http://www.coraggiosocuore.com/bbpress/topic.php?id=93385#post-94139" title="長財布">長財布</a>付属品アノラックから単独での項目の配列に加えてwww.playnet.kz/bbpress/topic.php?id=61403&replies=1#post-64075 小売設定で法外な値段の靴のペアのためだけに数百ドルを支払うことに頼るの男性につながる冷凍オンラインに関するより多くの知識<a href="http://www.bilink.ru/bbpress/topic.php?id=141633&replies=1#post-149530" title="ランキング 時計">ランキング 時計</a> その衝撃吸収特性が悪化する前に、これらのデラックス·エディションには約500マイル(800キロ)も続いたナイキヨルダンの古典的な思い出を奨励することです。 かかとのタブが配置絵里奈原価引当金は 高い耐摩耗ラバーヒールは、靴は非常に強く、耐久性にするために使用されています<a href="http://playnet.kz/bbpress/topic.php?id=61374&replies=1#post-64046" title="カバン 通販">カバン 通販</a>www.myfreesinglesclub.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=2262
Lovell (2013-08-14 20:5)
Initially, the green contrivance is solely the wheelman's goggles glasses, and later fetch apropos that it non-standard real can absorb pre-eminent sunlight, at least divergence of the passionate up, but also to nurture honest visual definiteness potency, in the military fling, the follow-up is extremely satisfied, then lower in the U.S. to stimulate open. During Globule
War II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots regularly
sport a news modish sunglasses, access to scads countries and regions in the prepare, giving people the print of a dauntless, elegant impact, with the words in this broad daylight, utter seditious, then became in demand factor.
In 1936, Bausch & Lomb
ordain be introduced to the general societal of sunglasses, but in its from the start sales displays, most people from teeny-weeny
behalf in Glimmer Forbid sunglasses. In this on, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged nearby their analysis, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some unprofound changes, long ago again pushed into the market. Move to the friends's expectations, this distinguishable modifications of Bar
Ban sunglasses, not but prices soared, and has suit solitary of the most in back was the best-selling hit. At that circumstance, the men said the Synergistic States is about regularly a Glimmer Bar sunglasses, and accept on this glass to prove their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies
pick up also ubiquitous ball to Beam Restrain sunglasses, while the U.S. captivating ladies wearing Pencil Interdiction sunglasses assuredly there is a distinct bed, amazingly exceptional and wide of charm.
Prevost (2013-08-15 14:0)
Initially, the neat contraption is open-minded the wheelman's goggles glasses, and later ground that it extraordinarily can absorb peak sunlight, at least divergence of the earnestness, but also to persist in godlike visual definiteness perspicacity, in the military savage times, the evolve is unequivocally satisfied, then slowly in the U.S. to alleviate open. During The public
Hostilities II, wearing a leather jacket, American pilots regularly
attrition a belated fashionable sunglasses, access to uncountable countries and regions in the world, giving people the trade mark of a outstanding, look colliding, with the words contemporarily, exceptionally dogged, then became in outcry factor.
In 1936, Bausch & Lomb
ordain be introduced to the habitual acknowledged of sunglasses, but in its anciently sales displays, most people from pygmy
behalf in Plank Exclude sunglasses. In this value, Bausch & Lomb was not discouraged by acquiesce of their look over, the Ray-Ban sunglasses made ??some foolish changes, extensive ago again pushed into the market. Invert to the company's expectations, this petite modifications of Gleam
Prohibit sunglasses, not but prices soared, and has spin companionless of the most accepted was the best-selling hit. At that circumstance, the men said the Honky-tonk States is bordering on unendingly a Beam Bar sunglasses, and from on this repetition to display their mettle MAN. Developed later, the ladies
procure also ubiquitous ball to Bar Outlaw sunglasses, while the U.S. cute ladies wearing Shaft Interdict sunglasses absolutely there is a particular cut, amazingly stirring and maximum of charm.
Poucceerylync (2013-08-15 20:3)
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Gelapelty (2013-08-21 08:5)
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squattFup (2013-08-21 09:2)
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wherieFoert (2013-09-11 18:5)
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wherieFoert (2013-09-11 18:5)
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wherieFoert (2013-09-11 18:5)
ポリス 時計通販 時計パネライ バックルブランド コピー メンズ<a href="http://www.watchsimmediate.com" title="腕時計 通販 メンズ">腕時計 通販 メンズ</a>腕時計 店舗 東京時計 男 ブランドhttp://www.watchsimpact.com/腕時計 店舗 東京<a href="http://www.watchsimmigrant.com" title="メンズ 財布 人気">メンズ 財布 人気</a>ブランド 財布 メンズ時計 通販 ブランドパネライ 正規<a href="http://www.watchsrestore.com" title="セール 腕時計">セール 腕時計</a>腕時計 店舗 東京http://www.watchsimprt.com/時計 ブランド 通販時計 激安 通販<a href="http://www.bagsinspection.com" title="ブランド コピー メンズ">ブランド コピー メンズ</a>プラダ 財布 メンズメンズ 財布 人気バックル 通販<a href="http://www.bagsinspect.com" title="シャネル 財布">シャネル 財布</a>http://www.watchsimport.com/
wherieFoert (2013-09-14 14:1)
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Running Toward Media Achievement Maqbool Ahmad Mirza is a man of versatile brilliance.. He is a multitalented person. He owned renowned companies. at the same timeHe is a producer, columnist, poet, and a teacher. He received his early education from Rawalpindi. He did his Master of Philosophy from Punjab University Lahore. He started his career with advertising, later involved in television production and media marketing. His work experience includes serving as Executive Client Services, Asst. Manager Sales Marketing in NTM TV Channel, as Marketing Head in Top End Production, Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Since 2001, he is working as General Manager Marketing, in "Teleworld entertainment". Currently, he is the CEO of four renowned companies which are Time Space Media Pvt Ltd. an Advertising Agency Media Buying House, Media Expansion Systems Pvt Ltd. a Media Marketing Sales Company, Creative Instinct Creative Ad Agency and Perspective Media which is a Brand Activation Company. He is a Member of Corporate Class Chambers of Commerce Industry While working as a producer, he produced many plays, serials sitcoms for national private TV channels that include "Na Jane Kiun" serial for ATV PTV, "Zindaan" and "Tahzeeb" for PTV home, "Natty's Lounge" for Tvone and Fashion Box. He is a visiting faculty member of Communication Studies, in Punjab University, Lahore. Mirza is also an Established columnist and write columns in "Daily Express". As a poet, he authored his magnum opus "BaatSunain", published in 2010, by ILamoIrfan publications, Lahore. His poetry embodies simplicity, embroidered with artistic elegance and has the charms of philosophical essence. His poems contain simple and heart touching language. In spite of all his victories he is very humble n down to earth personality. His book, "Baatsunain", in Urdu poetry You will want to read this kind of poetry so that you can be a better rounded person. Knowing this kind of poetry will help you be happier and will help you to understand what you are looking for in poetry. Hindu poetry can be some of the most beautiful kinds to read and look at. Many people take for granted the need to be multicultural and understand more than one language. You can learn this great language at least enough to understand what you are reading and what you may want to see in it. There are many things that you should think about when you are looking to read Urdu poetry because of the high cultural content that you can get from it. Many people look at this kind of poetry and then go on. They don't want to take the time to understand what they can get out of it and what they could do with the knowledge that these poems can bring. You should take the time to learn what they are saying and what wonderful and new things you can learn from the poems themselves. Well I am a professional writer and my passion to promote Urdu poetry and Urdu Ghazal through online platform. Maqbool Mirza is a great writer and poet for further more Information
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How To Write My Own Lyrics? "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high; like a diamond in the sky". Sounds familiar eh?! That is because us and the generation before us grew up with those rhyming words. If you give it a closer look, there's nothing very impressive about those verses but they are catchy and also easy to remember. So when you start to think about how to write my own lyrics, you want to make sure you include words that rhyme in your verses; it makes it easier for the listener to both follow and also remember your song. Without the slightest element of doubt, we all have music inside of us. Either this music can be expressed through instruments in the form of compositions rhythms or it can be revealed through the eccentric talent of poetry. Even I, keeping my love passion for music in perspective, love to write my song lyrics and make my own lyrics to go with the novice compositions I endeavor to create. It really is a satisfying feeling you get by reading your own poetry because it all makes perfect sense to you and also enables you to tell others the message you are trying to or intend to convey through the amazing words you have inked down. But, saying things like "I cannot write my own lyrics" would be a fallacy you do not want to become a victim of; trust me, you CAN create your own lyrics; and you WILL! And after reading this small humble excerpt, you will come across songwriting tips hints that it will be as easy as ABC to write your own song lyrics. So let us explore on how all of us can familiarized with how to write my own lyrics. Quick Steps to Write My Own Lyrics1 Inspirational theme behind your song idea There is always a predominant thought or mood that inspires us to write a song. This is the exact mood or thought you need to seize and use it to create the chorus. The chorus will be the soul of your song and will further enable you to write the remaining verses for your beautiful creation. So rule number one is to create hold on to the chorus! The fact of the matter is, if you have the chorus nailed, the remaining verses will flow relatively easily and will be so much more easier for you to hold on to the message wanting to be conveyed. 2 Giving a title to your song Once you have the chorus crafted to a certain extent, be sure to write it down. Additionally, grab a piece of paper and note ink down all the words that come to your mind while looking at that chorus. This will also enable you to give a Title to your song. The title will also pave the way for you to further develop your song. 3 Crafting the body and flow of your song Once you have the title, start to question yourself. For example, let us suppose that the title we have chosen for our song is "The dark night". Now, we want to go ahead and interrogate ourselves a little bit. Was it the weather that made the night dark? Did a particular event take place that night which made your mood dark mellow? Or was it instead a happy dark night where you sat near a bonfire with your friends eating marshmallows? The interrogation can go on on and will help you craft the song waiting to jump out of your heart and engrave itself onto the paper in front of you. 4 Making use of imagery Imagery is as important as the words you write down. Imagine a funeral; look around from the third person perspective and note all the things that you see; people, plants, surrounding environment clouds, wind, emotions etc. 5 Sequencing your thoughts and ideas Once you have all the ammo words that you feel are enough, begin writing them down in a sequential manner. Trust me if you have the concept clear enough in your head, it will be a piece of cake to write the remaining bit of your song. Getting Started These are the exact same step that I adopt myself when people ask me how to write my own lyrics verse. It is not magic, a bit of an art, but for the most part, an engulfment of emotions inked down on paper. So follow these steps and hopefully you will be successful at knowing how to write own songs coming up with beautiful poetry backed up by mesmerizing melodies compositions that will dazzle an audience of any size and age group. This article has been posted by Ozzy Mirza. Visit writing tips, to learn more about lyrics writing.
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Lip Piercing And Tattoo How To Get Started The popularity of lip piercing and tattoo is increasing a great deal worldwide. These kinds of things are becoming extremely popular with the younger set of kids in recent times. These days piercing shops are becoming quite famous due to this reason. Tattoo artists are known to craft body art that clients cherish for the rest of their life. The momentary pain of getting a special tattoo is nothing in front of the satisfaction that they get. It really takes detailed planning to start a tattoo and piercing store. You really need to put in a lot of hard work in order to own a lip piercing and tattoo store. Now, let us talk about how to get started with lip piercing and tattoo business. Make sure you go through the below mentioned points carefully in order to generate the best possible results. a. You need to get started by writing down a simple business plan. You should put your all ideas together in order to craft a proper business plan. You should also visualize an expert vision for your store. This business plan will really help you in the future to gather monetary funds for your lip piercing and tattoo store. b. Now, you need to research various locations. Make sure you look out for high traffic regions, including commercial locations such as colleges, boutiques and malls. This is done so that you are able to enjoy the benefit of flow of customers. c. The next thing that you need to do is to get in touch with your local health department in order to learn about the medical restrictions and regulations in your area for opening lip piercing and tattoo shop. You should also ask about various steps that need to be taken in order to sanitize the equipments properly. d. Another important thing is to apply for a suitable tax ID number through the IRS. For this purpose, you need to open a professional business account. e. Now, you got to hire licensed tattoo artists to work in your store. Place advertisements on several newspapers and journals in order to attract workers from all over the city. f. At last, you must market your business properly. Advertise in all kinds of piercing magazines and distribute fliers at local events. Well, you need to develop an overall marketing plan for your business. These are a few essential tips that you must follow when it comes to starting your own lip piercing and tattoo shop. Don't forget to read the above mentioned instructions carefully. Club Tattoo is the best tattoo parlor and quality piercing studios at clubtattoom in Arizona and Las Vegas. It offers a wide selection of men's and women's apparel and accessories for every occasion. For more information on best tattoo parlor and quality piercing kindly click here.
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"Sanskrit Tattoo Designs 3040 years ago, tattoos were the providence of criminals and thugs. The only ""respectable"" types to get inked were soldiers. These days, tattoos are much more mainstreampopular with everyone from students to businessmen. Some of the more popular types are sanskrit tattoo designs. It is more and more common now to see a sanskrit design on the lower back or arm of the spiritual,lovers of art, or even those who collect memories by scrapbooking. The Mother Tongue Sanskrit is believed by most to be the origin of language. Having a sanskrit design, in a sense, transcends time and connects you with the ancient ways and mysterious places. Another interesting fact is that sanskrit is a very precise language, and is not subject to the ambiguities of english. This means that Sanskrit is a good ""in memory"" tattoo design. Let Your Skin Whisper of Ancient Things In memory tattoo designs are normally symbols or meaningful phrases. Generally they mean something special, and show adoration of a loved one or serve as a reminder of a special time. To make your in memory tattoo design stands out, Sanskrit tattoo designs can be used instead of typical English letters. Find the characters that translate into your lovers name, or a symbol that represents a beloved ideal. Bring the translation to a tattoo artist, and have a permanent reminder. var CasaleArgs new Object;CasaleArgs.version 2;CasaleArgs.adUnits ""6,4"";CasaleArgs.casaleID 129019; Sanskrit tattoo designs aren't just for lovers. If you have a spiritual message or concept that is part of you, Sanskrit tattoo designs are perfect way to communicate your message of praise and gratitude. Sanskrit is and was believed to be a spiritual language. A divine message in a divine language. Modern tattoos show off vibrant colors, and complex depictions of famous icons and neo or tribal art. There are also newer alphabets that can be observed in pop culture. The Japanese Kanji alphabet is also used in popular tattoo designs. However, people find them to be so common. Tattoos are very popular form of expression. People who like tattoos love to express their individuality and therefore like to have original designs. For some people, they express individuality and freedom through their body art. For others, it demonstrates their spirituality. Sanskrit tattoo designs, in comparison to other spiritual tattoo designs, can be quite intricate. They are also favored among tribal design lovers because of their exotic presentation. It's pretty easy to find Sanskrit tattoo designs online. There are some good websites that have sample images of tattoos. It is actually not that many. The most common Sanskrit images and symbols are the Om symbol, the lotus flower, the Trishula or trident and the lotus flower with Om symbol. These can be personalized with unique colors or arrangements Some websites will even translate your favorite quotes into Sanskrit scripts to be tattooed as a wristband or armband. Any quote can be translated into Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the ancient language of India and is sometimes regarded as the mother of all languages. The lotus flower is a very important symbol for buddhists and hindus alike. It signifies purity of the heart, mind and soul. In some faiths, the flower represents fertility and wealth. For hindus, the lotus flower is said to be the birthplace of Brahma. It was a lotus blossom that sprung forth from the navel of Vishnu, the Hindu God that gave existence to Brahma. Sanskrit tattoo designs for the lower back are normally different images of the lotus flower. Lotus flower tattoos are depicted in colorful inks, but most tattoos were made in blue, red and orange hues. This tattoo design can also be seen together with the Om symbol. The Om symbol is an extremely important symbol to Hindu and Buddhist practioners. It is well known for it's use as a mantra during meditation. The ohm symbol in conjunction with the lotus flower is commonly seen in buddhism. Find your dream tattoo Here! tattoodesignmem "
˫?Ы 1400 ͫ? (2014-09-13 18:1)
What Do They Mean When They Participate in a Tattoo Design Contest Online custom tattoo design contests are gaining a lead in the tattoo industry. If you decide to enter and participate in a tattoo design contest, it means that you want to be part of the tattoo arena and be one of its key players. Some contests in the tattoo world are not online but held during conventions and seminars. Participants are usually seasoned artists who are up for the challenge of creating new designs, as well as holding their positions as some of the greatest tattoo artists in the world. However, in online tattoo design contests, newcomers who want to make a name for themselves are given a platform to do their own creative thing. These contests online offer a program for all designers, newbie's and experts alike, and challenge their skills and talents to come up with the most different designs. A custom tattoo online contest is hosted by a client who wants a personalized tattoo. The rules and price are set by the host, open to all artists and designers who must create a freestyle design. It means the host wants a specific image, but the designer must control the other technical details. However, as an artist you should communicate well with the host to come up with a perfect piece together. This way, you have a higher chance to be declared the winner. Although veteran artists pose a real challenge, beginners in the business should never be underestimated. Most of these newbie's hunger for recognition; their minds can be more innovative, imaginative and more upbeat. With that said, tattoos today have changed in style, size, theme, and color. Coal black is the most conventional color, but at present tattoos are becoming bolder, unpredictable and bizarre, often multicolored. Most enthusiasts now prefer to have these custom tattoo designs created; not only do they want to be unique but also to express their personality. Check out websites that offer online contests for custommade tattoos and you will find the best one for you. If you are an artist, you could go to online marketplaces to participate online and display and sell your work. These contest and marketplaces are free of charge to the artist. With the contest being online, worldwide participation is inevitable. Tattoo design contests are offered globally by many websites, thus attracting artists and designers who want to break into the industry. Keep in mind, though, that every designer has their own responsibility to their work. Although you meet the needs of your client, do not lose your own creativity and identity in the design. The artwork is yours too; the client just provides the idea of what they want. Tattoos are a lifetime artwork. It is a great achievement for an artist to see his creation on a body canvas rather than just as a stencil. Challenge yourself all the time, gain knowledge, and sooner or later, clients will want to hire you to do their tattoo without any need for a contest. Kristen Dunn is a tattoo enthusiast and professional tattoo designer who has created thousands of thought provoking, elegant, and funky tattoos for her clients. She has a vast collection of custom designs to her credit. Winner of several awards and accolades, Kristen is now a founding member of the world's largest custom tattoo design community at CreateMyTattoo. View her tattoo collection or read more on her blog here.
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Top 3 Tips From an Expert Tattoo Artist If you are looking for custom tattoo designs, a good tattoo artist would advise you to exert yourself and make an effort to do some research. With traditional styles and designs available in catalogs and online galleries, you might find that the design you like is not as unique as you think. Tattoos serve as an extension of your character and can make you look good, so it is right to choose a design that is trendy, appealing and more importantly, shows the real you. With tattoos, you will want to avoid any mistakes. Cover ups are a messy option and removal is expensive and difficult; neither sounds appealing. To avoid this from happening, here are some tips from an expert tattoo artist that you might want to consider. Tattoos are for the Skin Remember your body provides the canvas for the drawing, so what may look good on paper would not necessarily be good on you. Consider your skin color when opting for a tattoo design with a color. The color should match the color and texture of your skin. Try to print or draw the design onto paper that as far as possible, matches your skin color. This way, you may get an idea of what should be and what should not. If your design has a lot of intricate detail, try a color that will bring out the details of your design, otherwise you will end up with a tattoo where everyone will end up wondering what it is all about. The Part of the Body to be Inked Just because you have the perfect design, it doesn't mean that you can get it etched anywhere on your body. Some tattoos are only meant for certain places, like your back, legs, wrist, shoulder or even your heel. A good tattoo artist knows how to take advantage of body curves to highlight every intricate detail of a tattoo design. Also, some people, although they wear tattoos, do not want it placed on exposed parts of the body because of professional and ethical reasons. A tattoo artist can provide you with some suggestions of where to put these designs that would not cause you any trouble. Tattoos are artwork, and are not meant to be vulgar. The Price Tattoos vary in cost depending on the size, complexity of the design or where the tattoo will be placed. Custom tattoo designs are more expensive than traditional ones, since they are oneofakind. One way to have a more affordable personalized design is by hosting your own custom tattoo design contest. Find sites on the internet that provide a platform for this contest. All you need to do is to sign up, provide details of the design you require, set up a prize, and choose from among the designers who you think provided you with the best custom tattoo design based on your preferences. This contest will provide you with a series of designs to choose from and give you the opportunity to find a perfect tattoo designer from anywhere in the world. To conclude, tattoos are part of your body, so it is proper that you take care of them. A good tattoo artist provides aftercare advice for your tattoo. That includes using antibacterial soaps and moisturizers. Aftercare is important to make your tattoo last your whole lifetime, always looking brand new, attractive and not faded. After all, it is part of who you are as a person, and not just an accessory. Kristen Dunn is a tattoo enthusiast and professional tattoo designer who has created thousands of thought provoking, elegant, and funky tattoos for her clients. She has a vast collection of custom designs to her credit. Winner of several awards and accolades, Kristen is now a founding member of the world's largest custom tattoo design community at CreateMyTattoo. View her tattoo collection or read more on her blog here.
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Permanent Tattoo Designs in Hyderabad In tattoos permanent tattoo is one type. A permanent tattoo means to lose forever. In this a needle is used to insert colored ink into your skin. A lot of people are wondering how to get a permanent tattoo. This is because tattoos are very popular especially these past couple of decades when popular personalities decided to express themselves through skin art. PermanentTattoo in Hyderabad looks you posh but expensive. On the plus side, they're cool and they can help you express yourself. Back again to the other side of the coin and you have the fact that they are PERMANENT. If you get one and end up hating it after a few days, you'll just have to either live with it for the rest of your life or just get it removed by laser which is more expensive and painful than getting it. You may want to consider the temporary ones first like custom fake tattoos. Come up with a design. This is probably the most timeconsuming step because a permanent tattoo is something that you'd have to live with for the rest of your life. For this you Find a good, no, make it great tattoo artist. This is also very important because he's the only one that can turn your design into a very good permanent tattoo. Permanent tattoos in Hyderabad are one good tattoo artist for permanent tattoo design. They design good and stylish tattoos for permanent design. They take much more care for design of tattoos. Permanent tattoos in Hyderabad are more experienced and well named in design of tattoos in different types and designs. If you're wondering how to get a permanent tattoo, get a custom fake tattoo first. You can easily take it from there and you're leaving a lot of rooms for mistakes and changes of mind. If you are in confusion to select a good permanent tattoo for your body, they are also helping you to select a design which is representing you actually. One small mistake can turn your selfexpression tool into a tool that can embarrass you to no end. While it's true that most mistakes can easily be covered up in the design, it's not really comforting to know that mistakes happen when applying permanent tattoos. This is advantage of the permanent tattoos. But permanent tattoo in Hyderabad do not take this advantage. They are very careful while designing the tattoos. They don't do any mistake in tattoo design. They make each and every step very work mindedly and take good response from their customers. Also, you need to make sure that the tools and conditions in which the tattoo will be created are sterile and safe. Hepatitis, infections, and AIDS can be transmitted through dirty needles, and in unsanitary conditions. In this tattoo center they replace needles every time from one person to other. Every time they used newly packed needles. They change the ink which is used for tattoo design properly. They maintained neatness and cleanliness in their rooms. Due to this you don't bother about your health. Joysen tattoo in Hyderabad is very famous for designs. We provide different sizes and varieties of body piercing, navel piercing and permanent tattoo in Hyderabad at Joysen.
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