Today the weather is good because it's windy althought it's very hot and I like it becaus
e it's not warm....
Last friday, It was very cold because it rained so hard and I read from the weather fore
cast in the internet that there was a storm named Frank and Cebu had a signal number 2 so
the schools in the afternoon didn't have a class.. All schools suspended their classes. Last fri
day, I tried to call Mina again but she didn't answer my call so I decided not to call her any
more and I also tried to call Allen but he didn't answer my call so maybe he was busy or he
was in the hospital at that time. After that I made some letter cutting because I wanted to p
ost some thing on the wall and I had fun making those letters because when I was working a
s an ESL instructor,when I had a free time I enjoyed decorating my classroom and so I enjoye
d what I did last friday...after that there were 3 students who arrived here in the lounge. It w
as raining when they arrived here... at 4:00 pm I called Daviidson and we talked about a lot
of things... He was really a talkative person because he kept on talking but he understood alr
eady that we can only have a conversation for 10 minutes... after all my work has done I we
nt home because it's not raining anymore...when I arrived home I took a nap and at 7:00 pm
my roomate arrived so we had a dinner together...and then we went to bed early because it w
as very cold and we felt sleepy....