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</a> The news was announced at an event to mark Google's ** years in the search business, hosted at "Google garage" – the Mountain View, California, home originally rented to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin by Anne Wojcicki.
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</a> The Egyptian Central Bank instructed commercial banks to close branches in areas affected by the chaos, a sign of alarm that the violence could spiral out of control. The Ministry of Antiquities also ordered the site of the Giza Pyramids closed to visitors along with the Egyptian museum in the heart of the Egyptian capital. The closures were a precaution effective only for Wednesday, it said.
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</a> Zebra mussels per square foot dropped from about *,*** per square foot last year to roughly *,*** per square foot this year, a survey completed this week shows, said Tom Jones, treaties manager in the DNR's Aitkin Fisheries Office.
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