ݱ °Ͱ ̾°
̹ϱ غؿ
̿ ʷå ̿ϰְ
ٽ å ѱ ̵Ǿ־~
ó ϴ Դ ٰ ~
, û, , , , û, , нǹ Ű
̷ ~
date: ¥ ~
inside address: To the manager EnglishFella Talamban Cebu city
salutation: Dear sir/Madam Ǵ To the manager ̷
Body: - introduction
-Body: What is problem, what happened/you did, what do you want to them
complementary close: Sincerely yours, Ȥ Yours sincerely,
̰͵ Respectfully love ־
signature/name: ̸ ǿ~
ƹư ̰ ⺻ Ǵ Ʋ̶ؿ~