There are many academys in the Philippines like sand of Boracay, but I've studied in C21 for four month and a half because Philja recommended me
C21 (January to May, 2007)
When i enrolled that C21 my first eveluation paper was almost blank.
I was confused becasuse I didn't know at all, how to study with teachers
and what kinds of books in there. I just believed the expert of English and
just followed C21's curriculums.
There were a lot of students during winter vacation, so I could not help
studying with beginner teachers but they were good speaking than me
of course.
After out of beginner, I could study with satisfied teacher who had good
teaching skill and they gave me motivation of studying. They granted me lots
of homework so i had to do my homework everynight.
sometimes I complained to the academy then they did try their best for
students. They didn't act like businessman or employee even though all
students never come back this academy again ,so i felt they were
But facilities were not good but I'll choose good system and tradition
not facility if i was given a chance. I can know C21's system of students and teachers now becase i've transfered another academy.
If someone complaind a lot, they didn't study hard i think.
There is no time to waste for complainingness and there is no academy
without defect anywhere.
There are many students in the Philippines, some are good at English even
short time to study but some are poor at English even stay more one or two years. It would be their responsibility not anyone.
Today they also talk with their friends like this. "Philippines is not good
country to study English. Let's go to meet girls (or men) "
I miss C21....
ʸɿ ī ˸ŭ̳ п , '' õ c21 ϰ Ǿ. (1 - 5 2007)
ó Ʈ .
п ִ, Ƽ θ ؾ ó ô ȥ, ٴ ̹Ƿ Ŀŧ ϰ .
̾ ô л ִ ʺ Ƽ θ , ٴ ξ ϹǷ θ ߴ.
Ƽ ٲ ʰ, Ƽ Ȥ ٲµ Ƽ Ⱦ ΰų, ἮҶ Ÿ Ƽ ϴ ǵ װ ѱ Ÿ п .
ʺ ؿ п Ƽ ϰ ִµ, ϴ ڴ ð ߴ. ʺض ̷ Ƽ ġ ϰ ٳ ̴.
ƴϴ. ذҼ 鵵 ¿ п ѱ ٽô л ּ ϰ ִ ̾. ̷ ߾. Ͻô е ʾƿ, ̿ ƿ...
ü δ. ٽ ѹ ȸ ־ٸ Ƽ Ű ִ п ü, Ƽ ȽŰ п ʴ. װ Ҷ µ, ٸ п ˾ƺ ٸ п ٴϸ鼭 Ҵ.
Ʈ п ? п ϰų, ȿ ϴ ġ ° .
, п ߴٸ ȿ ߴ ص ̴. ð ִ°? θ Ǵ ڱ Ϸ dz Դµ...
Ⱓ ɿ Ҿ, ϴ ª Ⱓ ߾ ϴ Ҵ. п Ƽ絵 ߿ ο µ ߿ ?
õ л ģ ̷ ϰ ̴.
ϱ . ڳ ( ) ....
, c21 ......